May 30, 2,006
Terrible Source Of Power

A lot to go over this morning! Firstly, Gerald mailed to over 200 t.v. stations Sunday and Monday telling them about Jesus' video concerning The Pope. We were asked "Do you really believe The Pope will see Jesus and hear Him?" Well, what we believe doesn't matter. What matters is what The Lord Of Heaven believes, and He believes The Pope will see and hear Him, and that people watching the masses will see and hear Him! They will see Him in varying degrees. To some He will just be a shadow moving around The Pope. To others He will be clearly visible. Some will be able to hear what He is saying clearly, some will only be able to hear mutterings. But it is undoubted that hundreds, perhaps thousands of people will witness the phenomena. The only question is, will any of them be able to overcome their fears of man's teachings and speak out? What The Lord Of Heaven says will happen will happen, the only question is, will man acknowledge it, or throw away their immortal souls because they love their father's ways more than the truth?
Got one comment on the video. It basically said "You're crazy! Go kill yourselves!" Of course it was said in far more expressive language. Speaking of people throwing away their souls, this person is already dead, he just doesn't know it yet. He is dead forever.
On a frightening note, The Kingdom Of God believes They know where the dark ones are getting the power that they have been using against us. There are lots of reports in the news of men killing their families and then killing themselves. The Kingdom Of God believes that this is the work of creatures of Darkness, that they are destroying their earthly hosts, drawing in the love from their children as they die, and using that against us. This is a desperate ploy. They are rapidly using up their sources of energy. They believe that many of the accidents that have been happening where children are killed aren't accidents, that the parents are literally killing their children to feed the creatures of Darkness they support. There is little We can do about it at the moment except to continue to struggle to destroy as many of these foul creatures as We can forever.
We have been asked if Babe Ruth is mad because Barry Bonds has surpassed his lifetime record. The Babe answers "Positively not!" He has been cheering on Bonds just like Everyone involved with baseball in The Afterlife. He can't understand why some people think he would be angry if people are surpassing his records. He loves all things baseball!
Afterlife shocked they cancelled "The Tony Danza Show" in the material world! It was the second most popular daytime show after Oprah. Those in The Afterlife say those in the material world don't appreciate good stuff. Speaking of Oprah, Those in The Afterlife are very angry with the rap stars and their associates who are attacking her because she cut off a little bit of what one of them had to say. These people think far too much of themselves. Most of what they say has very little importance. They are destroying themselves, and, others. They have no business attacking Oprah.
While listening to "Feet To The Fire" Sunday night they were discussing remote viewing. Some of our friends asked "Do you believe in remote viewing?" and "How does it work?" Well, of course we do! And when we do it we see through other people's eyes, whatever they are seeing we see. We're unaware of this Akashick Record thing that people talk about. We don't use it. There have been occasions when people attempting to use remote viewing against us, but it is something they quickly regretted...if they survived! They never got to tell anybody what they saw. Remote viewing is something that should not be played with. It is not a game. Some people you try to spy on could be extremely dangerous.
We are asked if there is any possible hope. The Kingdom Of God feels there is only one. If First Lady Laura Bush takes the place that God wants her to and begins to fight for The Kingdom Of God We have a chance of saving mankind. If not, We need someone with her psychic power and material influence to replace her. And We simply do not know who that could possibly be. Jesus again asks people to send messages to The First Lady asking her to take up the causes that God sent her into this world to fight for, before there is no world to fight for.


Gerald's Life Stories

We've been asked, why do we always publish one of Gerald's life stories in our magazine? Well, there's two reasons, really. One, people like them. We have been getting comments on them for years and people can't believe some of the incidences that have happened in Gerald's life. Secondly, we like to feature in the magazine something true, with something that people can often have a little fun with rather than going into too heavy a subject. So that's why we've been using Gerald's life stories. And we hope people continue to enjoy them.


A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject. Sir Winston Churchill

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