May 2, 2,006
Making Preparations

May 3rd is a year since Gerald's heart operation. It does not seem possible! Now We have to be concerned with Linda's. The Kingdom Of God is taking no chances. It's calling in Its heavy Forces. The operation is scheduled for May 12. The 11th all The Apostles will leave Their duties in South Dakota where They are still fighting the anti abortion law, and purify the hospital, driving every bit of evil from it from top to bottom, cleaning it out. Then the majority of them will go back to South Dakota. Only John Lennon and his wife Mary Marie will remain. But they will be joined by Father Abraham and Sarah, Moses, and his wife, and Muhammed and his wife! They will lead The Kingdom Of God's Forces protecting the hospital while Linda is there. When it is time for the operation, itself, Jesus and Mary Magdalene will attend the surgeons. When the operation is done John Lennon and Mary Marie will stand guard until Linda leaves the hospital. If a creature of Darkness manages to penetrate these shields, and do Linda any harm, it would have to be the most powerful one in existence. What's that old expression about a snowball's chance in hell? With all this power you shouldn't worry much, but of course We're going to. Gerald won't be comfortable again until he's sitting by Linda's bed and she's saying "I'm glad that's over!" After all, we are material beings.
The other day Gerald received information from The Galactic Community that shows there is evil everywhere, even in the finest societies! He was having his usual monthly check in with The Galactic Forces, when he noticed his Mora telepath seemed upset. "Still not being bothered by the incident with The Imperials, are you?" Gerald asked. "Oh, no," the telepath answered, "I'm getting over that. No. We've had death in the family. One of my relatives was murdered." "Really?" Gerald asked. "What happened?" "He was the servant of a prosecutor," the telepath explained, "on the home world, who found out the major criminal organization there, The Federals, were stealing from the Earth's trust fund. He prosecuted them, put their leader and several of his lieutenants in prison, and confiscated their property. The leader of the gang ordered his people to kill the prosecutor, having his daughter carry the message out of the prison. The prosecutor's servants stopped the assassins. But my relative and the prosecutor's four year old daughter were killed in the exchange. all involved were immediately prosecuted and executed. But my family is still grieving for our loved one." "As they should be!" Gerald answered. "But those in the conspiracy have already been executed? Didn't they have any appeals or anything?" "Oh, no," the telepath answered. "There was no question of guilt. They admitted it! Said they felt justified. The prosecuter had no right interfering in their business. If they were to die defending their rights, they would die proudly. When there's no question of guilt, we have no appeals. They didn't ask for any. The executions took place the day after their convictions." "Just curious," Gerald asked, "but what is your mode of execution?" "Oh!" the Mora answered, "The person's head is put in a wooden vice. A steel spike is put over it and the executioner drives it through the condemn's head. It is quite quick, and quite efficient." "I'd say so!" Gerald agreed. "Obviously Mora justice is swift, it is very swift!" If you have been visiting the latest magazine you may have noticed something new. We can show our gratitude for donations by putting ads for those that donate on the issues they support. You'll also see this on the stories we've gotten back up. We have quite a bit of material that we need to get back up. If anyone would like to make a donation to put something back we would be glad to put up an ad for them. Of course nothing sexual, racist, or criminal. We're sure that's understood! Here are a few of the stories people would like back up. Maybe there's one you liked.
1. The 3rd Platoon, Christ's Brigade 2. Bitter Warning 3. The River Lady 4. Space Agent 5. The Spiritist Guidebook 6. Mozambique. If you're interested in something send us an email and let us know, and we'll reserve it for you until your donation arrives. And don't forget! John Lennon and George Harrison are looking for a publisher for their books. They want them out in paper before they go back up online. Check out "Trouble In The Past," and "Confederate Victory." Somebody likes time travel stories. Here's the links!

We're kind of disappointed. Whenever we go out west we always try to take a little gift. We put together a DVD, about 49 minutes, with 20 of our videos, including Jesus' tour of our home, both the Jimmy Kimmel tributes, Linda's songs "Here's To The Warriors" and "Poppa Poppa Zing Zing Zing," and Gerald singing "Don't Make Heaven Mad." We were hoping they would play on the television. They don't very well, they're too bright, and some of the details don't come out. They play very well on computers in the dvd players, but we wanted them to work on televisions as well. We don't know if it's just our DVD player and television or rather they'd do the same in all of them. But it is a disappointment. We were hoping to put the "Here's Jesus!" episodes on DVDs so we could send them out to people. Well, perhaps we can get the hang of it later.

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