June 1, 2,006
What Will It Take To Change It?

Jesus extremely disappointed that with all the emails we have sent out we have had only 23 visits to His video to Pope Benedict. He considers this His most important message to the world. We have received that age old question that We have to answer again. "Why should we be believed over all the others out there speaking?" What makes us so special? The answer is, we have The Angelic Messengers, what is commonly called The Holy Spirit. Jesus has assigned Them to us exclusively. They go out for no one else. Whenever we send a message They gather the loved ones of the person receiving it and They tell them to believe that this message is true, that they are indeed messages from The Kingdom Of God and should be believed. Also, we have brought through information in private messages to many individuals proving that what we say is accurate. But then when we give them another message that is something they do not want to hear they reject everything we are saying even though they have been given unquestioned proof. Because we don't give them what they want, because we don't tell them exactly what they want to hear they reject God's messages. This is a sad state, because it is dooming many. But at the present time we are The Kingdom Of God's true messengers on Earth. Any that deny us, any that speak against us, any that say we are untrue are creatures of Darkness. They are already spiritually dead. There is little hope for them unless they repent their evil and respond to The Kingdom Of God's messages and start spreading the truth. It brings us great sadness that so many are destroyed because they simply have to have their own way and won't hear the truth. This is a sad, sad circumstance. But there is nothing we can do. We have to continue sending out Jesus' messages, even if some people refuse them and that destroys them forever. The truth still must be spoken even though it will doom some. Some of our other videos, however, are doing very well! The Deposition On Behalf Of Father Righi has reached 6,441! Definitely our most popular item! The salute to Kevin & Bean has reached 1,405! Jesus' Salute To Jimmy Kimmel has reached 405! Rally Against Illegal Immigration has reached 355! Stop Ted & Hillary has reached 263! Here's To The Warriors! has reached 222! The Kingdom Of God is also very bitter that They could not get this song played for the troops Memorial Day.
On another note, sadly two predictions we have made seem to be coming true. In Holland where the homosexual movement started they are going to the next step. They are now trying to legalize pedophilia and bestiality! They want to make it legal to have sex with children as young as five years old. They want to teach children that it's acceptable to have relations with animals. How long before such a movement will be started in The United States? When will the people rise up and stop this insanity? Also, we have been warning since 9/11 that Al Quaida and The Taliban are trying to take over northern Pakistan and southern Afghanistan and form a fundamentalist Islamic state. It appears this is now beginning to happen. The sickness of this world is unquestioned, that there needs to be voices speaking the truth is doubtless. That those voices aren't being listened to because people want their own thing is destroying mankind. More and more evidence is appearing that we have very little time left. But people simply don't care. "I don't want to upset my mother!" "I don't want to upset my father!" "I don't want my neighbors thinking I'm a religious fanatic!" "I can't admit that I believe Jesus talks to people, that He's against homosexuality. That will upset too many people. I want to be popular. I want people to like me. This is too much! Though I believe I will say nothing. Others can do it!" These poor souls are destroying themselves and everyone around them. But there is little that can be done until this attitude can be changed. But what will it take to change it?
June 2nd is our 34th wedding anniversary! Jesus was hoping by this time that we would have enough people with us that it could be a glorious celebration. Unfortunately we will be able to do nothing. Gerald does not even have the funds to buy Linda a simple gift. While those destroying the world have millions we have nothing. Something that many people in the world will regret in years to come as this world shrivels up and dies. They will say "Why didn't I do something when I had a chance?"


Sporting Celebrities On The Old Worlds

Here's another question We're not sure if We answered or not but seems appropriate. "Were there sporting celebrities on The Old Worls?" Well, the answer would have to be yes.
Haven had no professional teams but They had The Games that all young people had to participate in from the age of ten to the age of twenty, which would determine their status in society. Great preformers in The Games were as praised There as great football players or soccer players are praised on Earth.
The Peepians had no professional teams but They had amature leagues that were probably just as good! They had games that resembled soccer and football. Strangely, with their limited space, They had no basketball. But the players on these amature teams were just as praised as professional players on Earth!
The Hashons had professional teams. They, too, played games very similar to soccer and basketball. And Their athletes were just as popular as those on Earth. Though they did not make the salaries Earthly athletes make, they often became very rich from the gifts that the public gave them.
Yes, there were sports heroes on The Old Worlds, though you couldn't really call The Haven Games sports. But they were definitely athletic competitions!

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