June 5, 2,006
A Plea From The Children Of Iraq

Something happened at 9:25 our time Thursday morning that certainly upset the creatures of Darkness! Gerald was taking a shower when a shadowy form coalesced in the bathroom and threw itself against the shower door with so much force that it should've broken it. The door shook for several seconds as if something was physically rattling it, then stopped. For a creature of Darkness to expend that much energy in pure frustration shows that something phenomenal must've happened. We wish we could find out what it was. Maybe some day somebody will come to us and say "You know, at 9:25 June 1, 2,006 I decided to join your efforts and do the Work of The Lord Of Heaven." But until that time we'll just have to wonder. But we would sure like to upset the creatures of Darkness that much again!
Gerald had one of those vivid dreams Saturday morning that he is quite sure was far more than a dream. He was at the funeral of a young service man who had died in Iraq when the spirit of the young soldier approached him with a group of children and saluted him. "Commander of all American divisions," the soldier snapped, "permission to speak, sir!" "Certainly!" Gerald answered. "These are my escorts from Iraq," the soldier explained. "They are staying with me until all the formalities are concluded and then they will escort me to Paradise. They wish to make a plea to you. Would you hear them, sir?" "Of course!" Gerald answered. "What is it you wish, spirits of love?" The children separated themselves into two groups and a boy stepped forward and spoke for one. "Father Of Fathers," he said, "you who were our Father before Abraham was our Father, we are children that were killed in the fighting when our people were attacking the American soldiers. Please tell the kind American soldiers that we hold no ill will against them. We understand God's Law. We know our people were trying to hurt them and they were protecting themselves, that it was our people's fault that we were hurt, not theirs. We want them to know that we greet every one of them that falls in battle and stay with them until they receive the reward that Muhammed has given them, that we treasure them, and bless them. Would you give that message?" Gerald smiled. "I most certainly will give that message!" he answered.
The boy stepped back and a little girl stepped forward. "Voice Of The Prophets," the little girl began, "you who speak for all that are good, and condemn all that are evil, will you speak for me also?" "My goodness!" Gerald commented, "How many of my titles are you going to use, little ones?" The girl curtsied and answered "Every one that is appropriate. Will you convey my message?" Gerald smiled and answered "Of course. What is it?" The girl continued "We are among those that were not hurt by accident, that some soldiers hurt because they were upset and angry. But we do not want those that hurt us to die forever like so many of our own people have been dying forever. We want them to have eternal life. Giver Of Truth, will you please tell them what they must do to be right with Allah, so their offenses may be forgiven and they may have eternal life? To have their souls lost forever would grieve us greatly, even though what they did to us was not right. We would have them continue to exist. Please tell them how to survive, Voice Of Truth!" Gerald sighed and answered "I will try, dear one, but you must understand the parents in America were taught by a very sick man to let their children do whatever they wanted to do and not rebuke them in any way. They have not been taught to be caring and honorable like you have been, to think of others, and, to do for others. But I will try. I will tell them what they must do to have eternal life because I must do whatever the pure of heart asks me to do." The girl smiled and curtsied again and the whole group began to walk off. That was when Gerald woke up, sweating and burning up. He had to get up and turn the air conditioner on. But now he must fulfill the promise he made to that little one because he believes this was far more than a dream.
Those American troops that committed atrocities in Iraq, who took lives unjustly have one hope and only one hope. There is only one way they can gain eternal life. First, they must tell their sleazy lawyers to go to hell. Then they must go to the authorities and say "Look, I'll tell you everything but there is one condition. I must be court martialed, convicted, and sentenced to death. I must be returned to Iraq and before the people I offended shot by a firing squad so that they may see without question, that justice was done. If you will guarantee me that this will be done in short order, that it won't take months, that my wishes will be carried out, I will make complete confession. But God insists I must pay the debt that I have incurred before those I wronged or I will not have eternal life. I must have this agreement or I will say nothing." If those Americans responsible for atrocities in Iraq do this, if they make complete confession, and pay the full price for their crime, not only will they gain eternal life, but The Lord Of Heaven will permit them entry into His Kingdom. There is no other way. Everyone that fights, everyone that tries to justify themselves will suffer eternal death. This is the only chance they have for eternal life, no matter what anyone else tells them. This is their only hope, for The Lord Of Heaven will not pardon the murder of innocents no matter what anyone tells them. They can have eternal life, but in order to do so they must make amends for what they have done. The little girl's wishes have been fulfilled.


Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
Martin Luther King Jr.

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