June 6, 2,006
Troubles At The Vatican

We apologize for not having a special edition of "Voices From Spirit Magazine" out for June, but where Linda has been in the hospital and things haven't been going very well we didn't get a chance to put one together. We will try to have one out at the first of July however. There's no question of it, we need more staff!
Jesus is extremely pleased that President Bush finally has come out in support of a federal ban on gay marriage. But He wants more. He wants a constitutional amendment outlawing homosexuality. The marriage ban is just a first step. The Democratic efforts to sodomize America, to destroy mankind for their political gains, must be stopped. This is one of the missions that First Lady Laura Bush was given when she agreed to take on this life, and it's something she should be doing.
We have been asked to give a warning that people should stay away from St. Peter's Basilica and The Vatican as a whole. When Jesus went to confront Pope Benedict as he was performing mass thousands of demons involved in the attempt to destroy mankind met Him and their leader said "These are ours! They are not yours! Leave them alone! We control them! You have no right to interfere!" Before Jesus could summon more Angelic Warriors thousands of demons that support Him in the effort to save mankind arrived. "Leave them to us!" one of them screamed, and they poured in to the demon's blocking Jesus' way and cleared a path for Him. But the fighting around The Vatican is nonending. They're going at it day and night. The cries of the demons for those that can hear them are almost unbearable! They are creating a tremendous field of negative energy throughout The Vatican. Anyone that has any kind of physical problems should not go there. Exposure to this energy, for some, could cause heart attacks, stroke, sudden liver failure, a whole host of difficulties! It is best that only the strong and the vital enter this area at this time, for their own safety. Jesus has asked us to pass this warning on to the public. It is still so strange to have creatures of Darkness coming to our aid! It is still almost uncomprehendable! But the majority of them realize they are fighting for their own self preservation and are working with us. These are strange, strange times!
Oh, The Kingdom Of God got a hilarious laugh out of the National Guard forces being sent to the border. Big joke! Unarmed troops building a fence that cannot be involved with apprehending the illegals coming across the border. Really, President Bush, why bother to put on such a charade? If you're going to send troops to the border give them guns and start having them seize people. Start having them do something that's going to help. Don't try to make the public think you're doing something when you're not. Nobody cares if we upset the president of Mexico. Nobody cares if we upset the illegal aliens. Start really doing something! Stop this stupid charade!
One other thing. Got one single response from all the emails we sent out about the soldier's funeral. An edited version would read "You people are as sick as these individuals protesting the funerals! Your message started with hate. You cannot tell me that Jesus opposes homosexuality. I know He doesn't. I know He accepts and blesses the homosexuals. He would not say He is against homosexuality. Everything you say is such sick crap. Please stop trying to tell decent people this is real. Jesus loves and forgives everyone and will not condemn someone because they love in a different way. Let's make homosexuality completely legal and let other people live the way they want to live. That is what God wants." It is so sad that only the sick and the disturbed, only the doomed respond to us. This person has no hope of eternal life. He or she, not sure which, is sodomizing children, destroying their souls and will be destroyed forever. Jesus keeps asking "Where are my believers? Where are my people? Why don't they respond?" and we can't answer His question.
On another note, got the first two bills for Linda's surgery. It's almost impossible trying to figure out exactly what they're for. But one is for $4,479, and the other is for $17,026. Of course we have no means of paying either one. We are still hoping that the hospital's charity fund will help but have not heard anything on that yet. That is another thing that Jesus wonders about. People are spending millions of dollars supporting the effort to sodomize His children. People are funding those protesting brave soldier's funerals. People are giving money to The Klu Klux Klan, to The Nazis, but no one has tried to raise any funds to help God's servants continue their Work and save mankind. He does not understand where His people are, why we struggle so when those doing evil have so much. This is another question we can't give Him an answer to.


Fan Rowdiness On The Old Worlds

With all that is going on at The World Cup We have gotten a question that We're not sure if We answered before or not, but We're asked "Was rowdiness allowed at sporting events on The Old Worlds? Were people allowed to scream obscenities and racial slurs and make personal insults against the players?" The answer is absolutely not! On all The Old Worlds such behavior was absolutely unacceptable! Any individuals engaging in it would be arrested, tried, and imprisoned, sometimes for very long sentences depending on the incidences they caused. Losing control at a public event was not acceptable, no matter how excited the person became.


A mother's greatest reward in Heaven is to see the blessing of her children.

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