May 3, 2,006
Bad Day

Well, bad day yesterday! Gerald didn't get his cortisone shots. The doctor wants him to have an MRI to find out exactly what the problem is before they continue treatment. And he wants him to have physical therapy. The doctor believes he may have a torn roto cuff. We can't afford the scan or, the therapy, not until Linda's operation is dealt with and we've got that situation under control. So Gerald's just going to have to suffer on until that's done with. Posting on the official Jimmy Kimmel forum again. Probably won't be long before we're kicked out. Got a friend doing most of the actual posting to keep us in control. We tend to attack the idiots a little too much. People hate it when you speak the truth. They're ignoring our posts but it's obvious people are reading them because we've had a major increase in the visits to Jimmy's videos at You Tube. What's nice at You Tube is when the morons come there and make comments you click a little button, remove the comments and then block them out so they can't come back! It's nice to have control! We still wish we could become moderators on the Jimmy Kimmel forum. We'd clean that mess up real quick! So many of the posters there would be blocked out it would leave room for the fans to return.
It is amazing how sometimes history pivots around one person. Success or failure depends on one individual. That individual at the current moment is First Lady Laura Bush. The survival of mankind depends on her stepping forward and doing the Work that God wants her to do. But she won't. Jesus was thinking of doing another video, but the one He already put up speaking to her He feels is sufficient. If that doesn't work, nothing will. It is so sad that a good person will be destroyed because she listens to the bad advice of people around her, and not to the Voice of God. But if Laura Bush destroys mankind it will destroy her, there is no question of that. She would not be able to continue existing knowing what she had done. All of this because a spoiled little bitch, the daughter of a Vice President, wants to play with girls instead of boys. What a twisted, twisted world! Here's the link to Jesus' message to Laura Bush.

***This video no longer available.***

Glad to hear Anna Nicole Smith made out well in the courts. Let's hope the decision is swiftly enacted and she gets her due. We haven't put the video we made for her back up, and people are asking for it. Linda will get right at it. It should be up and running again before the end of the day. Check our video page at

***This video no longer available.**

It should be up by this afternoon. Another thing! Jesus desperately wants to get Linda's video "Here's To The Warriors" on national television before she goes to the hospital. It would create an important energy flow. It's available on the itnernet at the address below. If anybody can get their local stations to play it, it would be appreciated. There is a desperate need to counter the anti war movement, to raise the people for the troops and for the cause in Iraq. This song is the key. If we could only make the public generally aware of it.

**This video is now available at our web site. The link is below.***

Oh! Finally got our income tax check. It's in the bank. That will enable us to finish off the credit card. We should be all caught up provided nothing else goes wrong. We will be able to concentrate everything on the hospital bills.


How Did The Old Worlds Deal With Terrorists?

With all the terror going on in the world the question has arisen "How did The Old Races deal with this?" We've answered this before, but We feel it is important to go over it again. The terrorism that is going on on the Earth was never seen among the major Old Races. Any such acts among The Havens were not even considered because those purpatrating them would cause the extermination of Their entire culture! There were rebellions which were brutally crushed, but nothing like the terrorism that is occurring on Earth!
The Peepians had a small amount of it from criminal gangs, but these gangs were hunted down and exterminated. Only The Hashons had anything to compare with the terrorism that is going on on Earth today, but it was very short lived, because the people doing it were easily identifiable, and the retaliation was so terrible that the terrorists stopped in very short order.
The Hashon punishment was simple. If any group of people committed terrorist acts and killed innocent people, they took a hundred times that number of the terrorists' people and surgically sterilized them, and did not allow those people to replace their numbers. They had very strict birth control. Each person was only allowed to reproduce themselves at that time. When a person was born they were issued a birth certificate that allowed them to have one child. Married couples were only allowed two children. Anyone who was sterillized because their people had committed atrocities had their birth certificate destroyed so they would not be replaced among their people. The Hashon leader that carried out this policy was called The Murderer Of Generations, but he stopped the terrorism. The people that were doing it killed anyone even suggesting they attack others. It was a harsh policy, but among The Hashons it worked!
Moses has suggested that Israel begin a simpliar policy with The Palestinians but We are not sure if this would work as well on Earth. But if The Palestinians continue to murder people, to try to steal The Israeli's land, it may be the only solution to bring them to their senses. There was a little bit of terrorism on The Old Worlds but it was dealt with harshly, VERY harshly! Pege 3

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