June 20, 2,006
How Are The Demons Doing This?

We have received a legitimate question that We will have to provide an answer to. "You have been saying for years that nothing can destroy a soul but itself, that even God cannot destroy a soul. The soul destroys itself when God abandons it. If this is true how can these demons devour souls?" This is going to be a very difficult question to answer because even the experts in The Afterlife aren't exactly sure. But this is the most common theory.
The creatures of Darkness get these individuals to love them, probably in the most perverted and disgusting way it can. Its host probably sodomizes the children. The creature of Darkness builds up such a perverted trust in these individuals that after they die when the demon asks them to, they willingly give themselves to it. This is the only possibility that could be allowing this situation to happen. If these individuals resisted at all, if they fought in any way, the demons would not be able to devour them. This has been witnessed. Somehow these foul creatures convince these individuals to let them devour them, convince them to sacrifice themselves to their cause. That is the only possible explanation. The experts in The Afterlife are in almost full agreement that this is the only way this could happen. But how these creatures of Darkness are accomplishing it is a mystery. The like of it has never been seen before. In essence, what we have always said is true. These souls are destroying themselves. That is the only possible explanation.
Here's the video Jesus prepared. He begs with people, share it with the world. Every soul that these dark ones destroy increases the possibility that mankind would be destroyed forever and they would never come back. There will be no second chance, no resurrection. It will be eternal death for the human race.

***This message is now available on our web site in audio format from the link below.***


In the effort to constantly rebuild what we had on the internet before, we have received another donation to put another one of our works back up online. One of Gerald's favorite stories, "The River Lady," is back! The address is below. We hope everyone continues to enjoy it! We have a complete new work "Dimensions Beyond," that is being prepared that we hope to have ready shortly. We intended to use it as a gift to pass out to people when we travel, take a master copy with us and run off a bunch to be distributed to the audiences of shows when we appear on them. But if anyone would like to make a substantial donation to help pay our medical bills, we would be more than glad to put this story up on the internet for everyone. And there are many more to come! Linda's trying to type them up as fast as she can. Hopefully we can get a printer and prepare them for printing. Or maybe somebody, somewhere would have one of those copiers that could take them from a CD. Lot smaller to carry!


Jesus is not displeased that The Episcopalians have elected a woman as bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori of Nevada. As Jesus is engaged in a struggle now to have His wife, Mary Magdalene, recognized by the church and end the lie of celibacy, He does not feel this is inappropriate at all. He does, however, hope that this new bishop opposes homosexuality. He is preparing a letter for The Episcopalians that we will be emailing to their churches today. Look for it tomorrow.
Gerald had another weird dream. He dreamed that Alan Alda was the head of an ad agency working for anti drug groups and hired Gerald as a copyrighter. Other members of the staff were like characters from out of MASH. Gerald got an apartment in the run down building where the ad agency had its office. What weird things your subconscious comes up with!
Oh, had to remove some obnoxious statements from the anti gay video at You Tube. Somebody said he wanted to have Gerald raped by several well endowed black men so he would understand what he was missing. The sickness of these perverts is unbelievable!


A Proverb From An 18th Century Narrative

There was once a great catastrophe that swept away a mighty city. There were ten ministers in that city, and they all approached The Gates To Heaven at the same time. Nine had great cathedrals, while one had only a small church. As the ten approached The Gates Of Heaven Lord Peter rushed out, seized the minister that had the small church, kissed him on both cheeks, removed his tattered garments, put a white robe upon him, a golden crown upon his head, and escorted him through The Gates into Heaven. Then he came back to the other nine bewildered ministers and looked at them curiously. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "We did great works for God," one of the ministers answered. "We seek that that God promised us." "God's promises," Lord Peter answered, "are for those that do His Works. You did nothing but raise money and glorify your temples. You did not glorify God. You have had your reward, already. There is nothing for you Here. You have made no treasure in Heaven." "Then why was he so royally greeted?" another of the ministers asked. "What did he do that we did not?" Peter looked at the man strangely and answered, "He saved souls!" With that the nine ministers bowed their heads, turned, and walked away from The Gates Of Heaven because they knew they were lost forever.

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