June 21, 2,006
What Happens To Those Devoured? Letter To Episcopalians

Here is the letter we have been emailing to Episcopal churches around the country. Sometimes it really feels like you're wasting your time so many of the addresses these people have on their web sites are non functional! Of the 162 emails we sent to Connecticut, 40 of them came back as undeliverable. There is a high percentage in every state we worked. Jesus wanted us to hit the whole country, but we could only get New England yesterday and we hit a few local areas this morning but that's the best we could do. We do not have the resources, the time, to go through every parish in The United States and hit every church that has an email. We simply have too many things to do. But we have hit some key areas. The fact that The Angelic Messengers are so disappointed also makes us feel our efforts are useless. Time and time again somebody receives our message, reads it, knows it is absolutely true, that they should be working with us, that they should answer, and then they just reach up and hit delete, throwing their souls away. They will stand in The Hall Of Judgment and say "But Lord, I didn't know!" and Lord Peter will shake his head and answer, "Yes, you did. Be gone! You do not belong to God's Kingdom, you would not do God's will. You preferred the love of man. You have your reward!" How many souls will walk away crying and weeping because they heard the truth but would not obey?

An Open Letter From The Lord Of Heaven To The Members Of The Episcopal Church,

Most Profound Greetings!

I wish to speak to you today on the matter of your appointing a female bishop to head your church. I am not displeased with this, as I am currently in the struggle to have my wife, Mary Magdalene, recognized by all Christian churches and to have the evil of celibacy ended. It is time for God's churches to recognize that women are equal to men. They are not their slaves, but marriage is an equal partnership between two people. God created male and female to compliment each other. Separately they are incomplete. Together they are a whole, a single entity that fulfills God's Glory.
However, if this woman is a lesbian or supports homosexuality, I am not pleased. Homosexuality must be removed from God's churches. This evil must be put out by God's people. I have prepared a video which I desire that you watch that expresses exactly my feelings on this matter. I ask you to view it and ask other members of your church to view it. Here is the address.

***This messsage available in audio format from our web site from the link below.***


To make you understand that this message is true and those who send it are servants of God, I send with this message my Angelic Messengers, what is commonly called The Holy Ghost, to speak to you while you are receiving this message, and to tell you that it is true, and, to obey it, to do God's will. No other persons in the world can send forth The Angelic Messengers except these two that I have appointed who are at the present time, my soul representatives on Earth. What they say is unquestioned, what they say is God's truth, and any that deny them, any that curse them curse God and receive the punishment that God has decreed for those that speak against Him. I ask you to do God's will. View this video. Share it with others. Make others understand this evil, this abomination called homosexuality cannot be accepted by God's people. There can be no compromise with it. Those who do it and those who support it must be put out of God's churches, for they are creatures of Darkness, things of profound evil. I ask you, in God's name, to do His will. There are several other important videos that it would be very advantageous for you to view.

Yours In His Service Now, And Forever,

Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ

Yesterday's email brought another question. "What happens to the personalities of these individuals when their souls are devoured?" Just as when a soul suffers the second death that personality is destroyed forever. It is broken up and becomes part of the creature of Darkness but is so fragmented that it never can reconstitute into any kind of consciousness. It only becomes thoughts and memories that the demon uses, it has no personality of its own. When the demon finally expires, as all creatures of Darkness eventually do, even those fragments will dissipate into nothingness and there will be nothing left at all. That is the price of evil. That is the reward that those who do evil receive; eternal nonexistence, eternal death.

June 21, 06
A Surprise This Morning!

Didn't intend to send another email today but the last minute as Gerald was getting ready to go out the door to go to work Jesus arrived and wanted to do another video. So we had to hustle like anything to get it done so he could get to work on time. The video is self explanatory. Here's the address.

(As Of October, 2,006 This Is Now Exclusively At Our Web Site!)

Why the rush to get it done we don't know, but what The Lord Of Heaven wants He gets if it's humanly possible, even if Gerald has to be a little late for work. Some things have priority.


When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all. Theodore Roosevelt

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