May 4, 2,006
Kurt To First Lady

Well, Kurt Cobain has written a song for The First Lady! He probably went through twenty different versions before he got one that he felt was right. If you're not on the automatic list to get his lyrics you want to send for this one!
We mentioned some time ago that there were some extra terrestrials willing to come to Earth and live here as human beings and help stabilize things, even though they would only have a ten to twelve year life span. We have been agonizing rather or not to accept their offer. But current conditions make it so we cannot turn them away. Two thousand of them are being placed around the world in strategic positions where We desperately need new souls, several hundred in Iraq, alone. This is just another stop gap measure, another desperate trick that We have to use to buy time. We pray with every passing hour, that We are not merely delaying the inevitable. We've been asked "Why can't our own people fill these gaps?' Unfortunately, We are part of the problem! Though We have lived as humans many times, and these bodies have evolved to the point where We can readily occupy them, We are still not a perfect fit, and the bodies tend to have difficulties, inconveniences that We have to put up with. We need individuals that would be stable in these bodies, and these new friends from the stars will be.
Kingdom Of God a little upset about Madonna's comments on President Bush. They really wish she would lighten up a little bit. They're also disappointed that Rosie O'Donnell is going to be on The View program as one of the hosts. Another opportunity for her to spread her homosexual agenda. This would mean that God's servants would never be able to appear on this show. They could not be on the same stage with such a creature of Darkness, such a thing of profound evil.
Posting on the Jimmy Kimmel Forum is bringing a lot of visits to You Tube! There was a tremendous jump in the Kevin & Bean count. It is so funny! They will not reply on the postings, but they're flocking to the videos! Put up one about the video for Anna Nicole Smith. Unfortunately that's not at You Tube, and we don't know how many visits it brought. But they're having a tremendous amount of problems keeping the forum running. Even the obnoxious people are complaining about it!
Someone suggested that we become capable of doing interviews through our web cam, that we might be able to reach a lot of distant t.v. stations this way. That a lot of people are doing it. Unfortunately, we're having trouble finding a compatible program that has both audio and video. But we're working on it.

Speaker Linda Polley when she was 19 years old, just before she met her husband Gerald.
No wonder he was attracted!


It is common sense to take a method and try it; if it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something. ( Franklin D. Roosevelt )

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