By; Gerald A. Polley

The Ancient One had a new worker in The Afterlife. They were accomplishing quite a bit together. He spent a lot of time with The Ancient One while he was doing his material job, working on The Kingdom Of God's efforts. They had been having a particularly trying session, when the new worker remarked "May I ask a personal question?" "Certainly!" The Ancient One answered. What is it?"
"How do you get by?" his new friend asked, "How do you relieve your frustrations? How do you get a boost when you're depressed? You don't drink, you don't smoke, you even don't use legitimate medications unless you absolutely have to! How do you get by? I know, I was into the drugs too much, and it did a lot of damage. But still, I can't imagine how you even function!"
The Ancient One smiled. "My good friend, we all have our addictions. We all have our needs. We all have ways of getting a rush, of making ourselves feel good. I live for one purpose, to hunt and destroy evil. The Lord Of Heaven says that is what God created me for, that is my ultimate function, to destroy that that would harm His children. When I'm really depressed, when I'm really frustrated nothing reenergizes me more than a good kill, eliminating a racist, a child molester or a drug dealer, ridding the world of a little more evil. That's my narcotic, that's my drug! That's what keeps me going! And when I get someone that's all three, the greatest filth on Earth, that will keep me going for months! Every living being has to have something, has to have some way of relieving their frustrations. Some people sing, some people dance, I destroy evil. If I did not have that, if I was not able to do that, I would simply waste away. The power that The Blessed Ones give me to perform my missions is what keeps me going, and whenever those missions are successful that is when I am uplifted." The Ancient One's new friend was silent for several moments. "I pity all that is evil," he finally remarked, "but I am also grateful for them."
"Why?" The Ancient One asked.
"Because if they did not exist," his new friend continued, "your frustrations would have no release, and you would not be able to do what you do, and we'd be screwed!"
The Ancient One had a hard time not roaring with laughter, and having his coworkers wonder what had so amused him. He finally managed to answer "Well, I guess there's some truth in that! But I would be a lot happier if there was far less evil for me to hunt. As long as there was some, I would be satisfied. The hunting's just too good right now, it's just too damned good right now! Now we'd better get to work, or we're not going to have this song ready when I get home, and the misses is going to be disappointed. She's already got quite a crush on you!"
"Sorry about that!" his new friend answered.
"Nothing to be sorry for!" The Ancient One assured. "I only wish I had the same effect on the females of the species. But they sense my power and it frightens them."
"I can understand that!" his friend answered. "It sure as hell frightens me! It frightens anyone with any common sense. Only the ignorant are not frightened by such power. Only the lunatics."
"That's a fact I cannot argue with you on again!" The Ancient One agreed. "But let us be about our work!"


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Don't Call Them Prejudice!

Robert Kennedy here! As I watch the work of those that do this publication I am deeply troubled by those that accuse them of prejudice because they oppose evil. This hurts me deeply because men actually accused me of being prejudice because I opposed the evil that was being done to persons of color in my country. That I fought for their rights made people angry, and made them say I was against my own kind, I was prejudice against them. To see others being treated in this same manner hurts me. When evil is seen, when people are doing things that should not be done and the servants of God speak out and say this cannot be, we must stop this, no matter how popular this is, no matter how accepted it is, it is wrong and must be stopped, the ignorant cannot be allowed to call them prejudice!
Prejudice is telling people to kill innocent people because you do not like the color of their skin or, their religious beliefs. These people never teach anyone to kill, they teach them to reject evil and not associate with it, and to justly defend themselves as they are attacked, but they never encourage violence for violence's sake. They never tell people to hurt others to make they feel superior. They will say that those who have done great evil must pay for that evil with their lives, that justice must be dispensed, but only after due process. The evil that these people have done must be proven before just payment is extracted. Being one who was murdered, and whose murder has never been punished, I understand fully the desire of the innocent for justice, and that can never be denied them. Those who say "All must be forgiven! Give amnesty to the wicked!" cause more evil in the future and they must be made to understand their ignorance, or their ignorance will destroy us all!

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