July 1, 2,006
Some Pleasant News

We have read that in the next and final Harry Potter movie they may kill him off. This must never happen! Evil must never triumph! Speaking of evil not triumphing, the last article in our magazine that will be up in a day or so has some good news. The hospital's charity fund has covered Linda's operation and some more of Gerald's bill! So this will be another financial burden lifted from us. But as we have said, when we finally start selling manuscripts $200,000 of the first million will go to the hospital, an immediate donation of $100,000 and the other $100,000 will be put in a trust that will get the hospital a yearly donation. It is a debt of honor that when we have the opportunity must be paid, and we are sure that some how The Lords will make it so we can repay the debt. This is Their way. Such kindness to Their servants will not be forgotten.
We had to celebrate a little! We took Elgard to supper, nothing too fancy, just a buffet, and he took us to "Superman Returns"! When we get some of our stories made into movies we want these people making them! We're quite sure they could bring our heroes alive. But it's a good plot, too! The villain you love to hate is as terrible as ever. Unfortunately we know too many in real life that compare too well to him. But if you're a sci fi fan don't miss this one! Christopher Reeve sends his best regards to the new Superman. His comment was "Well performed!" I guess an actor can't ask for much more than that.
Jesus still disappointed that his video message to The Pope on You Tube is doing so poorly. It's had 90 visits. It's gone up 67 since our last report June 1st, a whole month! That's only about two visits a day. Come on folks, spread the word! Tell the public what's going on. They need to know! The Deposition On Behalf Of Father Righi continues to be our heavy hitter! It's currently at 8,105, that's 1,664 visits in a month. Not too bad! The salute to Kevin & Bean also continues to do well. It's 1,800, that's 390 for the month! And we're getting some really nice comments on that one. The Kingdom Of God really appreciates that Kevin & Bean are getting the attention they're due. Kurt Cobain's "Come On, America!" has been doing quite well. It suddenly had a boost in activity around the middle of the month and is now at 922! Jesus' message to The Episcopalians is at 980 and has quite a few comments. But Muhammed is disappointed that his first message only has 60 visits, and his second one, 29, and the hate that has been posted on them has been so bad that we've had to remove virtually all comments. Hopefully come the first of next month, we can report major increases in visits to Muhammed's videos. But we're still amazed that we get occasional visits to almost every video and some of them continue to draw major attention.
There will be short messages in the upcoming new issue of our magazine from Teddy Roosevelt, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. As you read through it be sure to look for them! The Kingdom Of God's tribute to The American Military this year for The 4th Of July is the "Hussein's Butt Song" by Speaker Linda Polley featuring at the end the famous Hussein's Butt Dance! If you've got friends in the service anywhere send them the link to this.

***This video no longer available on You Tube. You can find it on the page mentioned below.***

People like the large size copies of our videos that we have been putting on our regular web site besides those at You Tube, even though the large ones take more time to load. So we have put up one for the "Hussein's Butt Song." We hope everyone will enjoy it. It's number 7 on the first list.


The War Goddess Durga Kicking Hussein's Butt By Speaker Linda Polley.

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