July 13, 2,006
Virgin Islands Tribute

Below is a letter that we sent to some t.v. stations in The Virgin Islands. But we could only get a couple. The internet was working horribly yesterday! The Kingdom Of God believes it is because the creatures of Darkness are trying to keep people from spreading the news of our Work.
Internationally known psychic Linda Polley has channeled music from The Afterlife for many years. She has gotten music from the unknown and the well known such as John Lennon, George Harrison, Kurt Cobain, Johann Sebastian Bach, June Cash. Her music is enjoyed by many. One of these Heavenly authors has written a song about The Virgin Islands which Linda's friends there have wanted her to make a video of. Though she is very busy and has not been well, she has finally got her husband to add some pictures to her music and has put the finished product online. It is available at the address below. She hopes everyone in The Virgin Island loves it as much as her friends do!

***This video now only available on our web site from the link below.***


Got a message that was absolute nonsense! You really wonder how people can think this way. It said "It's not that I disagree with what you're trying to do, but you're going about it all wrong. If Jesus wants to reach people in the modern world He has to sweeten the pot a little bit. He has to give a little. You have to give the homosexuals something, you just can't say they're wrong and they're damned and that's it. There has to be some compromise. You're never going to get anywhere unless Jesus is willing to accept that some people have different sexual ideas and desires. People just aren't going to accept the old "You're damned!" any more. You've got to wake up and accept reality." You read things like this and shake your head. Can anybody really be that stupid? Do they really think that The Lord Of Heaven can accept evil under any circumstances? Or, that He's going to accept it to further His cause? This person is probably a Democrat. Sounds like they're stupidity. But he isn't and never will be a Christian, and he's going to have a very nasty welcome in The Afterlife!
The only dream that Gerald remembers last night was that he was breaking pieces off a huge diamond and giving them to people. And some government representative showed up and said "You can't do that! It's physically impossible, so you've got to stop doing it!" In the dream Gerald looked at the guy and said "Make me!" The man just snorted and walked off. Don't think that dream's too hard to figure out!
Muhammed was asked a very important question on both Jimmy Kimmel forums. We managed to get his answer posted on JimmyKimmel.net but the ABC forum is messed up again. But here is what he said. Pass it on!

Greetings Paul!

The verse you are speaking of has been so corrupted that it is almost unrecognizable. It should have said, this is the closest English translation, "Be it known that a man who dies in battle joyously and with honor, shall enter into Paradise and have a virgin daily." No number of virgins was ever mentioned. Lustful men in later years started increasing the number to make the reward more appealing. What this statement was trying to tell people was that everything in The Afterlife is renewed daily. Nothing is ever spoiled, nothing ever ages.
Another reason for this confusion is that at the time The Koran was written women were often referred to as a sweet fruit, a gift from God, something to be treasured. You must understand that in those days fruit was a delicacy, rare and hard to obtain. Only those well to do had fruit. It was something very special and desired. So it became a symbolism of a desirable woman. Much of the misunderstanding of what was written long ago is because people do not understand how different things were then, and a reference that was perfectly understandable to the people of old makes no sense to modern people. I hope this answers your question.


Treasure That Fruit Basket!

Ever wonder where the tradition of giving a fruit basket as a gift came from? As Muhammed mentioned in the article above, fruit used to be a delicacy, something rare. On special occassions in The Middle East a noble would hand out baskets of dates and dried figs and other fruit to his servants. These were treasured gifts because the common people could rarely afford these delicacies, usually only ate them on very special occassions, weddings and such. So the giving of fruit was once a very special thing. Now, it is very common. We can go in the store and buy fruit whenever we want it, but this was not always the case. So when somebody sends you some fruit know that they are harking back to a time when this was a very special gift and they are saying "You are a special person!" Someone has asked "Was this a tradition also, on The Old Worlds?" It most certainly was! It seems to be universal. All the peoples of The Old Worlds considered receiving the gift of fresh fruit a very thoughtful gesture!


We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. ( Sir Winston Churchill )

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