July 16, 2,006
Too Much Going On!

Here's one of those cute little stories that can only happen with us. Our financial situation is very desperate. Gerald wanted to get some little trinket for Linda's birthday, but he didn't want to charge a small amount at the dollar store. We were extremely busy the day before Linda's birthday at work. And Gerald was struggling to get the trash out so they could move and function in the kitchen. He broke down a mess of boxes and took them out to the cardboard dumpster. He had straightened out the cardboard in the dumpster before, broken down the boxes that hadn't been broken down. As he went to put the fresh load of boxes in he noticed something sticking up on one of the boxes he had already broken down and pulled it out. It was a dollar bill! Gerald was sure it had not been there before. It was stuck to some sticky stuff on the bottom of the box and he would've certainly seen it when he broke the box down. But he put the dollar in his wallet and didn't think about it any more. He was on his way home when he heard John Lennon say as clearly as could be, when he was passing the dollar store, "Go in!" Gerald looked all around and couldn't find anything appropriate. Then John started saying "Out front, in the corner!" So Gerald went out front. There was a rack of cute little plaques. Gerald couldn't see anything appropriate and John said "Around, on the other side, down in the middle!" Gerald went over and there was a little plaque that looked like an old fashioned child's chalkboard that said "Teaching is a work of the heart." It had a little apple up in the corner and a ruler on the bottom. Gerald muttered "Perfect!" picked it up and bought it, and put it under the computer the next morning for Linda to find. But Linda was having one of her "I can't see anything right under my nose" days, and wouldn't notice it, so John finally screamed at Gerald "Tell her to look under the computer!" Notwithstanding Linda loved her little gift and John was finally satisfied!
And here's another cute little note. As we were typing this article the landlord knocked on the door and presented us with an almost full case of yogurt! Dannon's Fruit On The Bottom, some of the very best! The Lords always seem to find birthday gifts for Linda! A few years or so ago when we had nothing, the neighbor knocked on our door during her birthday and gave us a whole pile of stuff that they had got ahold of and simply could not use all of it. Time and time again, The Lords provide! Muhammed did not want us to put our story about him that will be added to Our Peoples' History back up until we could get it translated into Arabic. But he wanted to use it to try to reach a young man who is extremely worrying him. So we put it back up. Here's the link! We still hope to find a publisher that will print it in Arabic and distribute it throughout The Middle East.


Muhammed produced a video speaking about what is going on in Lebanon and mentioning the book about him. Some people viewing it got all upset because in it Muhammed says Hamas instead of Hezbollah. They said this discredited us, that we didn't know what was going on. Everyone in The Afterlife is totally perplexed and cannot understand how people can be so stupid! The question Muhammed was asked was "Do you support those fighting for Islam in Lebanon? Do you support Hamas?" So Muhammed answered according to the question. He cannot understand why some people are so concerned! It is all the same evil, all the same sickness! Why are people splitting hairs?


It really looks promising. The reoccurring dream hasn't returned for several days. Those in The Afterlife believe We may have gotten the creature of Darkness responsible for it. We can't put down Gerald's latest dreams. Let's just say there were some very friendly ladies in them! And he thinks he knows where these dreams came from. He's really annoyed because advertisements are getting in his mailbox all the time that say "Hi" and when you click on them it says "There are lonely married women in your area looking for secret lovers. Click here to find them!" Some day Gerald will find the people responsible for these ads and when he does, they're going to be very unhappy! He hates spammers, and especially ones encouraging immorality!
We've been asked how Red Buttons is doing. We have his permission to say he's doing just fine, but that's all. He does not desire to make any comments, and that is his right. Don Knotts, however, is making all kinds of comments! It seems somebody wanted to put up a statue for him in Andy Griffith's home town, and CBS axed the project, forbade it. Knotts is very, very displeased! He wants his statue!
We are really having a problem that The Kingdom Of God is losing so many of Its power sources and distribution points, and there's nobody to replace Them. Every good person that dies that has quietly done The Kingdom of God's Work, makes the situation worse. We DESPERATELY need people to come forward, take The Kingdom Of God's power, and use it for their causes! It is the only thing that is holding Us back right now. We could be doing tremendous things, but there's not enough people distributing the power. It's almost worse than not having enough power!


Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat. ( Theodore Roosevelt )

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