July 21, 2,006
Muhammed Rocks The Boat & More Videos

Everybody asked for it so here it is! A picture of Linda's birthday gift!


Here's the large size copy of the video we put up yesterday.


And here's yet another video Muhammed wanted us to put back up, "Don't Make Heaven Mad!"

(As Of October, 2,006 This Video Is Only On Our Web Site!)

Muhammed is still disappointed his video is getting so little traffic; the new one, anyway. The one on proper dress is still doing well. And Muhammed wanted to send his apologies to the passengers of the cruise ship. He was sorry he had to do that but he wanted something that would grab the headlines for a while and take the pressure off The Israelis in Lebanon.
Not too much else going on. The temperature is moderating a little bit here. These plus hundred days are murder! Kurt Cobain's video is getting quite popular! He was working on a new song about Hezbollah, something about them having their heads in a jar! Poor poor Hezbollah! Maybe Linda can get it typed up later if we can get it through. Right now Gerald is locked on Muhammed and the current crisis, and trying to find some way to get his messages to his people.
We will never, ever have anything to do with McAfee Virus Protection any more. You cannot delete it from your computer once you put it in! We finally contacted somebody by phone and they told us the reminder that you needed to update will continue to come up for four to six weeks after you've deleted the programming in case you want to redownload it. When we told them we wanted to get rid of it, they said "Sorry, you can't! That's the way we set it up so you can't delete it!" We don't know how long these people are going to stay in business, but we doubt if it will be very long. We don't believe we're the only ones that think this is crap and a violation of our rights. And to make life just a little bit harder, Prescription Assistance, which provides Gerald's medication was in the hospital, about a fifteen minute walk away. Now it's moved several blocks away and Gerald is going to have to take the bus to get there, get his medication, and come back! Just one more thing to tie up our time!
Oh! One other thing! While we were trying to get Muhammed's message out this morning our internet crashed! Somehow our password got changed and we couldn't log back on! Netscape told us this happens once and awhile. But these things always seem to happen when we're working on something important. Perfect timing!
Some years ago Jesus ordered that Pat Buchanan's name be removed from The Book Of Life and ordered him banished from The Kingdom Of God forever, declaring that he was a demon, a creature of Darkness, that he was part of the conspiracy to destroy the nation of Israel. Jesus also warned that anyone that supports Buchanan, that funds his movement, would also be removed from The Book Of Life because of their attacks on The People Of God. Buchanan's latest attacks on Israel only adds to his damnation. Jesus wonders how anyone can believe that this foul creature is a man of God, when he is part of the plot to destroy God's people. He asks us to remind people of His earlier decrees. Any that give financial support to Buchanan are damned! If they cannot recognize this creature of Darkness they are fools! Jesus asks that they give their money to organizations protecting Israel. No, he doesn't ask, He orders them to!


Internet Hacking On The Old Worlds

We don't know if we have answered this before, but it has been asked "Did the internet services on The Old Worlds have any problem with hackers like the stuff that's going on on the internet now?" Well, very little. If you were caught messing with the internet on Haven you and your entire family were burned alive. If you were a child your parents would be burned. That's how serious a crime they considered it! On both Hades and Peepi anyone messing with the internet received a long prison term, probably the equivalent of twenty years, and were forbidden to ever have a computer hooked up to the internet again. If it was found they had and they were again hacking, they would be put to death. No second chance, no second forgiveness, especially if they messed with anything pertaining to medical care, or, the military! Hackers would have a very hard time on The Old Worlds. Their amusement there wouldn't be appreciated and the computer systems There made it far easier to track the hacking back to its source. Anyone setting up systems to block it so you could not track those who were hacking were punished exactly the same as the hackers! No one worried about the hacker's privacy, or rather or not their rights were being protected. They worried more about the legitimate users of the internet. And maybe that's what people on Earth should start worrying about. Start treating these people as what they are, despicable criminals, and not just mischievous children.

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