July 22, 3,006
Strangers At The Gate

Gerald woke up in agony Friday morning! His sinuses were absolutely horrid! Every muscle in his body hurt and it felt like somebody had been hitting him in the back several times with a hammer! He got up, took some sinus medicine and got back to sleep for a while. But then Muhammed wanted to work on two important videos, one on what is happening to the Lebanese civilians dying in the current struggle, and the second one explaining why The Muslims in The Afterlife and many other people call Gerald The Father Of Fathers. You can tell that Muhammed is having a hard time on the videos because of Gerald's discomfort. But he got them done. These are important works, or at least the one on the martyrs is! Hopefully people will understand their poor quality. Here are the links.



Hopefully we can keep making videos! Our Windows movie maker is working worse and worse! Somebody has said that we need to properly clear the system, but we don't know how to do it. What we need is a new computer with the same movie maker because we know how to use it. This one is over a year old and has been hacked too many times. But hopefully it will keep going until we can get something else.
Here's one of those little weird things! Yesterday afternoon every time we turned on the light the bulb blew.. three in a row! No power surges or anything, just one after another the bulbs popped, three different fixtures. I guess we were just having a bad light day!
Linda has been able to get the large version of "Don't Make Heaven Mad!" up at our site. Here's the link!


Gerald was working on the next issue of the magazine when Muhammed came to him with some very strange information! It's very hard to put into words, but basically, this is what happened. The attendants at The Gates Of Heaven noticed two children walking up, hand in hand. True children in The Afterlife are very rare. When a child appears at The Gates Of Heaven it means they were a soul that had been living their first lifetime when they died. The attendant approached them and said "Hello, children! Who are you?" The girl smiled and said "I'm Jon Benet Ramsey, sir." The boy smiled and said "I'm Kenneth Lay!" The attendant stood up and looked to his companions in total bewilderment, recognizing the names. Joseph Smith, who is now The Keeper Of The Gates was summoned, and he questioned the newcomers. But he could not shake them from their statements. Yet when they were asked to tell about their lives they could not remember anything. "I don't know what to do!" Joseph Smith remarked. "These children can't be who they say they are! Yet they're pure souls, unblemished! They can't be lying. We must summon Jesus. He can deal with this, none other can. It is beyond us!"
So Jesus was summoned and came immediately. He conversed with the children and stood shaking His head. "They're not who they say they are," He remarked, "that is obvious. But they believe what they are saying! They may certainly enter in, let them find who they wish to keep company with, and let them dwell with them. This is one of the unknown things lately. But they must be cared for! We cannot put them out. Their purity is beautiful!" Relatives of Jon Benet Ramsey and Kenneth Lay had gathered at The Gate hearing what was going on. When Jesus motioned the children to enter each went directly to their direct kinsmen and went off with them. Jesus instructed Joseph Smith that if any more like these arrived they were to be admitted. Everyone is totally perplexed! These souls could not exist. But they are there! Even The Lord Of Heaven can't explain it! And when He can't explain something you know it's a mystery!

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