July 24, 2,006
Weirder And Weirder!

We've been asked if there is any way to tell if these strange children mentioned in Saturday's email are true souls. The only way that we will know for sure is if they reincarnate. Only a true soul can reincarnate. If these children take on a new physical form then they have to be true souls. It is the only way we will know for sure.
We have also been asked if Jon Benet Ramsey has had any contact with her mother. The answer is yes. The first day Jon Benet went to one of the benches outside The Gates Of Heaven, frequently used by those watching the goings on. She'd sat there for some time when her mother appeared and sat down beside her. They said nothing to each other, just sat there. Finally Jon Benet got up and went to walk off. Her mother reached out towards her but said nothing. Jon Benet looked back, smiled, her mother smiled, rose, and they went their separate ways. We are waiting to see if this process continues. This is the strangest stuff, even for us! It's just the strangest stuff!
There are things happening with this phenomena that We have been asked by Those in The Afterlife not to talk about because They are afraid it may confuse some people into thinking that the second death can be survived because these children are appearing who are people that suffered the second death. And it will be hard for people to understand that these are not the lost. No matter how much some want to believe that they are their loved ones, they are not. We were also asked "What is a pure soul?" It is a soul that is uncorrupted, that has lived in the material form yet has never absorbed any hate, greed, or lust. It is still purely love, unblemished, uncorrupted. They are very rare. Yet each of these children appear to be pure souls.
Here's Kurt Cobain's latest! As we say in the introduction this is only a demo.
Linda can't sing like Kurt does, she can't scream that loud! But this gives people an idea of what the song is like. We hope everyone enjoys it.

***You Tube shut down our account. These videos only available on our site from the links below.***

Linda has managed to get the large size versions of Muhammed's messages up on our own web site, also, Kurt Cobain's latest!




One of our associates has commented, "I have said before that I believe some of these strange things that are happening is because the world is trying to readjust and make it possible to save mankind. I believe these strange children are a continuing part of this effort. Somehow God, in His Benevolant Wisdom is causing these children to come into being and replace the souls we have lost, thereby keeping the entire human race from eternal death." Well, this is definitely an interesting theory, and we hope our associate is right! We just had to give up posting on The Jimmy Kimmel Forum on ABC again. It is just useless. You'd be carrying on a good conversation and then all of a sudden the board won't work for two or three hours! You get back on again, and it may work for an hour and then die again. And we're really getting tired of the perverts on it saying "Oh, Jimmy just laughs at them. He thinks they're stupid. He's just making fun of them. They're idiots. They don't really understand what he's really like!" We simply can't deal with that any more. It is so strange that people think they can start calling you crazy and idiots and morons and if you say anything back to them you're crazy people! You're not Christian you won't turn the other cheek. Why can't we have a little fun with you?" Well there's people that just don't like being insulted! It's as simple as that! And we don't like some people degrading someone we like. They might think it's cute, they might think it's funny, but we don't! Maybe some day, if ABC can ever get the forum working so people that have to come and go can get back in and carry on their conversations, we'll start posting there again. But it did good while we were there! It brought a lot of visits to our You Tube videos, and, some nice emails! If the darned place would work it could be really beneficial! But we just don't have time to mess with it. We have to be able to post when we can get there. If it's not working at that time, then it's worthless to us. There is one constant thought in The Afterlife, one thing every being There is concentrating on because it means the survival of mankind. How do we make a breakthrough? How do we make people understand that what We are saying is true, that we're not a joke, we're not crazy, we're speaking the truth? How do we reach those that want to believe and actually do believe but simply can't speak out of it? The Lord Of Heaven has promised them glory beyond their understanding. Every leader in The Afterlife has promised them rewards beyond belief, beyond their understanding, and they know that these rewards will be given. Yet still they shake their heads and say "Someone else has to do it, I can't get involved! It will upset my mother, it will upset my father, or, it will upset my wife." They simply cannot understand that it doesn't matter if their loved ones are upset if they continue to exist. But it is going to matter very much if they are upset because they're dying forever. By pleasing their loved ones they are destroying them. By giving them what they want in the short term they are destroying them forever. Muhammed feels the key is ABC. That our greatest hope lies there. John Lennon believes there is another hope. There is someone that if he was to listen could bring us to the public and with his talent make the public believe, and raise the power that will save the world. But he is frustrated that this one will not hear and will not accept. Someone says We have to give more proof. We could give more proof, but in doing so we might create the circumstances that will destroy mankind. It is a really perplexing situation that there does not seem to be an answer to, but that there must be an answer to, that there has to be an answer to! Because if we don't find that answer time will soon run out, and even if we do find it, it will be too late. The Earth will be dying and there'll be nothing anyone can do. Who is the key? Who is the one that will make God's Glory happen, that will make the Earth tremble? We hope we find him or her soon, VERY soon!


Why Do UFOs Zig Zag?

Sunday night Linda was listening to one of her favorite talk shows on the internet "Feet To The Fire," when somebody asked "Why a lot of times when people see UFOs are they zig zagging?" Well, when they're not simply showing off to impress the natives, just horsing around, they're running paralell with the lay lines, the energy flows that run along the Earth's surface. It takes too much power for them to plow through them and not have their engines disrupted so they often zig zag through them until they reach altitude. Also, when they plow through them it disrupts their cloaking fields and they become visable on radar and upset the local militaries. So this is why they do their little ziggy zaggies. And it's also why they appear and disappear on radar screens.

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