July 25, 2,006
"We Drop De Bombs!" At Last!

Muhammed extremely angry that Islamic clerics in Somalia are trying to get their people to rise up against Ethiopian troops coming to assist the interim government and trying to keep order in that country that has been torn apart by criminal war lords, many of them controlled by the Islamic fundamentalists. Muhammed says "God does not support this struggle, and those that engage in it will not enter Paradise! The people of Somalia must rise up against those that are using them to keep their country in chaos. They must have a strong government that can protect the people! The people must turn against anyone that tries to keep that government from being established. Any that fight against those forces trying to maintain peace will be destroyed forever. This is a promise from The Prophet!"
Finally got the animated video "We Drop De Bombs!" ready! This has long been one of the favorites in The Afterlife and Muhammed wanted it out right now because he feels the energy it generated is needed in this time of crisis. Here's the links to both the small and the large version. Enjoy! Do tell everyone you can about it! The more people that play this video the more power Muhammed will have to fight his enemies.

(As Of October, 2,006 This Video Is Only On Our Web Site At The Link Below!)


Speaking of power, these strange children appearing in The Afterlife show a very unusual power trace. Though most of the power they carry comes from an Earthly source, a tiny amount of it comes from a very ancient source that the experts in The Afterlife do not believe is of this world! It can only be detected when all the children are together in one place. When they are scattered it cannot be detected. This must be the seed source that created these children! And it has been found that some of these children are already beginning the reincarnation process. They are reaching out to bodies forming in the material world and attaching themselves to the mothers carrying them. There is no question that they are true souls. But the mystery of their existence simply grows deeper! They have no personal knowledge. Whatever created them was only able to obtain information that was in the public knowledge. But the knowledge they do have is incredible! When they are born they are going to be very bright and talented children! They will definitely help in the struggle. But this strange phenomena is still very perplexing!
We may have mentioned this before but Muhammed wants us to mention it again. He has always been an admirer of Geraldo Rivera and would very much like to do an interview with him. If anybody knows Geraldo or anybody connected with him, pass along the message! The Prophet would like to talk to him! Maybe they could meet in Hollywood if Muhammed does the Kimmel show!

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