July 31, 2,006
Muhammed Explains Reward For Bin Laden

People have been asking for more information on the route of The Holiest Of All through South America. What we had up expired. The experts in The Afterlife simply do not have time to work on it with all the troubles going on right now. Gerald has been figuring out the possible courses just using maps and rough calculations and has been doing pretty good! Here's the most likely route for the next couple of months. The Holiest Of All is still acting very erratically though. It was off a few hours in the last month or so, but not enough that it made that much of a difference. But It's last stop we reported was right on time. People have still been expecting it to reverse course and go back to The United States, but there is no sign of It doing so. It's plodding on steadily towards South America. It looks like It will reach the tip of South America some time this winter. Then it may go straight across through Africa. In the winter It doesn't usually dip down to Antarctica. There's not that much life down there in the winter time. We can only wait and see!

Nicaragua- Chinandega July 14, 3 a.m., Leon July 15, 3 a.m, Esteli July 16 3 p.m., Matagalpa July 18, 8 a.m., Puerto Cabezas July 22, 1 p.m. Rama July 26, 7 a.m., Bluefields July 27, 7 p.m., San Carlos July 30, 6 p.m., Granada August 2, 6 p.m., Managua August 4, 6 a.m., Puerto Sandino August 5 6 a.m., Rivas August 8, 6 a.m. Costa Rica- Liberia august 10, 4 p.m., Nicoya August 12, 7 a.m., Puntarenas August 14, 4 a.m., Puerto Quepos August 16, 6 a.m., San Jose August 17, 6 p.m., Moin August 20, 6 a.m., San Isidro August 22, 6 a.m., Golfito August 24, 8 a.m.,

Panama- David August 26, 10 a.m., Santiago August 29, 10 a.m., Chitre August 31, 8 a.m., Panama City September 3, 8 a.m., Colon September 4, 9 p.m., El Porvenir September 6, 9 p.m., La Palma September 9, 9 p.m., Yaviza September 11, 1 p.m..

Here's the latest count on our videos, the five leading ones.

5. 1,296 Jesus To Episcopalians On Homosexuality

4. 1,395 Kurt Cobain's "Come On, America!"

3. 2,040 Kevin & Bean

2. 3,701 Hussein's Butt Song

1. 8,916 Deposition On Behalf Of Father Righi

Here's the addresses of our latest videos. Muhammed Explains Reward For Bin Laden. Muhammed was getting asked what reward this would be. He was hoping somebody special would ask the question and he could answer it but he couldn't wait any longer and had to let people know what it was.

**Now Only At Our Web Site! Click On The Link Below!**

Muhammed Offers Reward For Bin Laden

An Afternoons Doodles.
This is just an afternoon's relaxation, something Gerald quickly threw together and some music Linda made up.

Jesus very upset with some of the comments He's hearing Condaleeza Rice is making in The Middle East. These inferences that everyone must make concessions for the sake of peace He believes are directed at The Israelis. And that people are negotiating with Hezbollah is completely unacceptable to Him! There should be no negotiations with Hezbollah! Their leaders should be arrested, they should be disarmed and Lebanon should be given back to The Lebanese. Those pushing anything else are the enemies of God and will be dealt with accordingly. As we say, we don't think Jesus could say it much plainer than that!


Linda wearing her birthday present; a shirt with the famous picture of The Fab Four on it. Wonder what that might be worth some day on "The Antiques Road Show"?

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