July 3, 2,006
Muhammed To ABC

Things can happen fast and furious here! We had barely sent out Monday's email when Muhammed arrived and immediately began recording a new video. It turned out to be a direct appeal to his people to contact ABC and ask them to allow him to be on "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" He also commented that he'd like to have The First Lady be on at the same time so he could plead with her to take the mission that God has given her. Here's the link! This is a video that really needs to be checked out.


Unfortunately You Tube is being unbelievably slow and we could not get the link to the one that was put up there. But if you keep checking out our profile sooner or later it will be the newest video on the listings before the strange guy with the wings! Hopefully by the time we're getting tomorrow's email ready we will have a link to the You Tube version.

***This video at You Tube is no longer availabe as they shut down our account.***

We have never seen Muhammed so determined! He wants this thing so bad! He is pulling out all the stops trying to get people to respond. People have suggested that we put up some of our videos on other free video sites as well as You Tube. We simply can't. We barely have time to monitor the You Tube site. Yesterday it took Gerald hours to clean up the mess that two obnoxious homosexuals had put on the videos! We simply could not leave other sites unattended!

July 4, 06
Muhammed's Video Going Slow

Some of the things that The Blessed Ones ask us to do seem very strange! We have six wrist bands from Linda's stay at the hospital. Gerald was going to cut them up to release their energy but Muhammed said "No! Get some frames and frame them and put these dedications on them . 'The two wrist bands above were worn by Speaker Linda Polley during her hospital stay between May 12 - May 15, 2,006 for her hysterectomy operation. They will bring glory and power to the possessors but they should be warned if that power and glory is used for evil it will destroy them.' and save them for my people when they come to join you. They will want them. They will take them back to their fathers and their fathers will treasure them. This will be a good reward for them obeying God." So we've got three frames and mounted them. Muhammed has so much faith his people are going to come. We pray he isn't disappointed.
On another matter, if we get to make the trip to California Muhammed doesn't want us to fly unless we absolutely have to. He wants us to drive, perhaps visiting some people on the way out. And on the way back he especially wants to stop in Salt Lake City and speak to The Mormons in their tabernacle because in the great crisis they were the only Christian denomination that remained absolutely loyal to Jesus and their reward was having Joseph Smith being made the keeper of Heaven's Gates. Muhammed wanted to especially praise them. The trip would have to get some phenomenal results for that to happen! But Gerald does not know if he would be able to make the drive. And he knows he couldn't drive in Los Angeles! Somebody would have to meet them before they got there and drive them around in the city.
In the latest installment of the weird dreams Gerald has been having they get to Washington for the hearings where the senator accuses Gerald of being a terrorist, and in the first day's hearing Gerald so devastates a lesbian senator that the next day she resigns and gives up public life. That same day the government comes in and ends the hearings by declaring that The Kingdom Of God And The Grand Alliance are a recognized nation, and giving Gerald and Linda full diplomatic status so the senator can't question them any more because they're the representatives of a foreign country! These dreams get weirder and weirder all the time! Oh, and several other countries recognize them as ambassadors also; Israel, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Germany, Italy, France, even The Vatican! So this you know, shuts the senator right off. They're recognized as diplomatic personnel and therefore he can't question them. Muhammed extremely disappointed he's only had five visits to the video calling his people to contact ABC. He wants thousands! He wants this video to be placed in the most viewed section. But You Tube is acting up so bad we don't know if people would be able to get through. But if you can let people know! Muhammed's greatest wish is to be heard, for people to know his wishes. He really wants this video spread so any help would be appreciated. Here's the address.

***You Tube shut down our account. This video is only available on our website.***

Speaking of the trip to California, the story we have prepared to be handed out to audiences where we appear is ready. We have both a black and white and a color copy depending on how much the show wants to spend. It's called "Dimensions Beyond" and is only eight pages back to back so it wouldn't cost a production too much to have them run off for their audience. Of course personally autographed copies would be given to the hosts of the shows. We are also trying to gather up some other things left over from our Work that we could distribute to staff that wants a memento of our visit. We always try to bring something. It's part of our traditions to always bring a gift when people invite you somewhere. We keep having visions of people bringing copies of these books to future "Antiques Road Shows" and having the appraisers say "Oh yes! Each show they appeared on only printed a few hundred! So each one is considered an individual printing. Collectors love them! Each one is worth four to five thousand dollars." We can imagine the possessor going "You're kidding!"
Kingdom Of God wishes everyone a great 4th Of July!

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