July 8, 2,.006
God's Message With Lay And Disabled Vets Dream

On the news they were saying that Ken Lay's prosecutors wanted to send a message to other corporate executives what would happen if they were caught violating the law. Well The Kingdom Of God sent a message through him too. It said "No matter how powerful you are, no matter how influential your friends, if you are breaking God's laws, if you are stealing from the innocent to enrich yourself and your friends, we will expose your evil, We will make the world aware of what you are doing. We will humiliate you. Then when the world is well aware of what you have done, We will bring you to a higher judgment and destroy you forever. No matter how powerful you are in the Earthly realm We will destroy you forever. For God has told the world that the punishment for evil is eternal death." This is the message The Kingdom Of God has sent with Ken Lay. We hope the world has listened because there are more The Kingdom Of God is hunting and it would be much better for them if they clean up their act before The Kingdom Of God's Agents strike, much better for them!
Here's the latest segment of Gerald's dream. Came right on schedule last night! Gerald dreamed, as we were building our operations in Bismarck we were hiring a lot of disabled veterans. We bought an office complex and some apartment complexes and were setting them up especially for the disabled, something we would love to do. A local convenience store owner became mad because he was required to put in an automatic entrance so the disabled could use his store. He started a campaign in the neighborhood saying that the community didn't want all these disabled freaks in the area. His niece claimed that one of the veterans who was left a little slow by his brain injuries, had sexually assaulted her. After a great deal of trouble the girl finally admitted she had lied. Her father had instructed her to do it to help his brother's cause, that she actually liked the disabled soldier and hoped he would forgive her. The store owner was outraged because we wouldn't drop the charges against his brother, and insisted that he be prosecuted for pergury. He finally shut his store and we bought it. Weird stuff dreams, huh? There's some you'd love to have come true because Gerald just loves going after ignorant people like that and winning! Kingdom Of God delighted that two state supreme courts came out against gay marriage! Now if we could only reverse the decisions in favor of it made by other perverted judges, but The Kingdom Of God is extremely grateful for these wins and sends Its gracious thanks to those judges that listened to reason and recognized insanity.
The Kingdom Of God also wanted us to mention that We warned The Israelis they would have to go back into Gaza, that they were making a mistake surrendering it to The Palestinians. Sometimes it really hurts to be proven right.

Picture From The Video "We Drop De Bombs!"

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