July 10, 2,006

We've got our latest video up at You Tube; George Harrison's song about his book "Wow! The Things I Found In The Afterlife!" It is all still part of the campaign to get Muhammed to Hollywood. Here are the links.

(As Of October, 2,006 This Video Is Only On Our Web Site! Click On The Link Below!)


Song number 8 on the Team Works list.
As Muhammed continues to reach out to Jimmy Kimmel requesting to be on his show he wanted us to put our tribute to The Kimmel Show back up at You Tube. Though it's got a couple of glitches everybody loves it. So here it is.

***This video only available on our web site from the link below.***

We have also put the large size version of the Kimmel tribute video on our site, and taken the small one down. If you click on the link below it'll start the video without going to the page which we gave above.


This will probably be the last video animation we'll be able to work on for a few weeks, as we've got several other projects we've got to get going on. But these were considered important. Muhammed also wants to do a video on proper dress, and just as soon as we can get it together we'll get that one up. But he's extremely busy right now, but we hope to get to it this weekend.
Gerald didn't have another installment in his ongoing dream. Instead he dreamed that with the well known entrepreneur we were building one of the biggest greenhouse complexes in the world to grow fresh vegetables in North Dakota during the winter so they would not have to be trucked across the country, saving a great deal of fuel and actually producing these vegetables cheaper. The whole system was based on a solar power plant that produced synthetic natural gas from wood and other plant material. This natural gas was used in the greenhouses and the surplus sold. The charcoal left over was burned in local coal fired power plants, stretching the coal reserves. Local farmers grew the wood to make the gas, making this a renewable fuel source. Now wouldn't that be a project? Gerald's had this idea for years. But why he's dreaming about it now with this particular person in the dreams we don't know.
A friend of ours knows of a fundamentalist couple that keep having children even though they know those children are going to have serious problems. They will not think of abortions. She wondered about our comments on this. Well, it is our opinion and it is also The Kingdom Of God's opinion that when people know a child is going to have serious difficulties and will only live a short time, or if they live a long time being seriously disabled they should abort that child, that it is cruelty to make that child suffer. Release it and let it be born again in a sound and healthy body. The false teaching that if a child is aborted it is lost forever is one of the most terrible lies that the anti abortion people tell! Nothing can destroy a soul. If it is not born one place, it will simply be born in another and it is cruelty to make a soul be born into a body that can barely function. We know that many will disagree with us, but these are not only our personal opinions, but the policy of The Kingdom Of God. Needless cruelty is unacceptable, no matter what the people's excuse. Many are going to be surprised when We tell them that The Lord Of Heaven applauds the decision of U.S. District Judge Richard P. Matsch in Denver that it is illegal for Christian companies to edit scenes from films that they do not like and distribute those films. That this is a violation of the rights of the producers that made these films, and the actors and directors that were involved with them. This is defacing their intellectual property. The answer to this difficulty is simple...If you don't like scenes that are in a movie or on a t.v. show don't watch it! Don't buy the film! Turn off the television! But you do not alter someone else's property to fit your desires. If you want to produce and sell movies that do not have the scenes in them that you object to, do so, but do not violate other people's rights! That The Lord Of Heaven has this opinion will shock some fundamentalists. But The Lord Of Heaven feels that this is the proper way of dealing with these matters, and Those that follow Him agree! John Lennon is quite disappointed. He wanted us to do a version of Harry Potter, to put some of our characters in it and put it up online for people to enjoy. Unfortunately this would create too many difficulties and we do not want to cause problems with the author of these fine works. So we'll just have to write something else for John. Sometimes it is a struggle to find the time to come up with new stories to fulfill his constant desire for them. We have over 30 unpublished works already. But it keeps John happy, and some day we should be able to make most of these works available to the public. But unless we get permission from Harry Potter's creator there's not going to be any Harry Potter story on line. Sorry John!
One of our friends has made this comment and asked this question. "I do not believe you will ever be able to get Muhammed on "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" I simply do not feel that the executives at ABC would allow it. I believe this is a grave mistake. What will happen to ABC because of this? I'd really like your feelings on it." Well, these are Muhammed's predictions on that matter. He believes that in time the Islamic people will learn about us and believe that we do, indeed, speak for him and the other Prophets, that we are servants of God. When they find out that ABC knew this but would not let Muhammed speak on their network, they will be very angry. They will ban all ABC reporters from their countries and any press organization that give ABC information. Several European countries not wanting to upset the Arab world, will follow suit. ABC programming to Arab countries will be cut. Many countries will forbid the showing of any ABC shows. ABC broadcasting will become so crippled that they will have to shut down, they will go bankrupt. This is what Muhammed predicts will happen if he does not get on "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" We want everyone to clearly understand these are not Our wishes. We sincerely hope that what Muhammed visualizes will never happen. But Muhammed is a Prophet, and he does know his people. He's usually very good at predicting their actions in any given situation when they have all the facts to work with. As We say, these are Muhammed's predictions on the matter. We hope they're wrong!

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