July 11, 2,006
Kimmelng Again

We have been asked with all that is going on is Jesus still speaking to The Pope about Mary Magdalene every time The Pope performs mass? Yes, without letup, every time The Pope performs his religious duties Jesus is speaking to him.
This weekend Muhammed was able to come through and complete the video about what modern proper Islamic Dress should be like. It's a very important message and we have put it up at You Tube. Here is the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i10hDkzrcQI Started posting again at the Jimmy Kimmel forum. Don't know how long we'll be there before we'll get kicked out for speaking against homosexuality. But we put a link to Muhammed's video about proper dress on it and we got 47 visits the first day though we didn't advertise it any place else! So though they pretend that most of them aren't looking they are. We also mentioned on the forum that Muhammed wanted to be on Jimmy's show and actually got some responses! We put up a segment from our last email about Jesus approving of the judge stopping the chopping of movies by Christians and got some fairly decent responses on that. But it is incredible that most of the people on this forum cannot talk to somebody else without saying they're crazy. All of them seem to think they're the only ones sane and everybody else is crazy! Well maybe that's everybody in the world!
Gerald hasn't had another installment of his reocourring dream for a couple of nights now, but he had another dream he remembered a part of. He was with Linda and another person outside somewhere where there was a huge clock with a pendulum swinging back and forth. It had a very loud tick tocking sound. Gerald turned to the person they were with and said "You know this damned thing could drive you nuts after a while!" The person replied "After a while you don't even notice it." That was the end of the dream. Now let the psychiatrists play with that one! Speaking of the Jimmy Kimmel forum some really weird stuff goes on there! Sometimes we can't post while other people are having no problems at all! Sometimes replies we make to other people go on the forum and then after a few minutes disappear. Negative comments on our posts stay without a problem. But people that post positive comments complain to us that their comments disappear. Even some of the worst hateful statements disappear. It is very odd that these strange things only seem to happen on the serious topics. The nonsense threads don't seem to have any problems at all. Just very odd stuff going on in that forum!
Had a nice talk with Kevin & Bean at KROQ in Los Angeles. Still amazes Us! Every time we speak to them power surges into The Kingdom Of God! People complain to us that they're only entertainers. Why would they bring so much power into The Kingdom Of God? Why don't evangelists bring in as much power? Well, maybe the evangelists don't really care that much about what they're doing. To them it's only a job. Maybe the people at KROQ care. Maybe that's the secret. Maybe if you really care and share with others that's why you bring power into The Kingdom Of God. Maybe if some of these evangelists really started caring and were not just trying to make money they would bring power into The Kingdom Of God! Jesus and Muhammed will continue to praise these guys forever!
We've been trying to get a reference guide going for our web site so people could go in, look up different subjects, and find them in our magazines. Unfortunately we've simply got too many things going and we don't really know how to do it right. We're going to have to get somebody to sit down and work on this that has a better idea of how to lay it out. Hopefully if we ever get going, we can hire some nice young bright talent to do this job that believes in The Work, of course! But until then as soon as we can get sponsors we will be putting issues back up.
It is so sad. Still every morning as soon as Gerald gets up Jesus has him check the email at Yahoo. It's obvious Jesus is expecting someone to email. Each morning Gerald feels His bitter disappointment when what Jesus is looking for isn't there. How someone is going to cry at The Gates Of Heaven, how they are going to wail! They are going to say "But Lord, how was I to know? How could I have believed?" and Jesus will answer "I told you, but you refused to listen to me. Go away! You do not know me." How bitterly this person will wail as they go off to meet eternal death because they have failed The Lord Of Heaven that they make Him sorrow every morning because they cannot say "I am here. I believe. I have heard The Lord speaking to me." How bitter death will be for them.

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