August 1, 2,006
Psychic Examinations?

Someone has asked "What is this psychic examination that you're talking about that you want to do with the prisoners in Guantanamo? How would it work? What would you need?" Well, we would need a table with restraints on it so the people's hands that are to be examined could be strapped down to the table. This would be to keep them from involuntarily breaking the connection while the examination was going on and harming themselves. Then Linda would be seated across from them and put her hands on theirs. She would use the bonding prayer to become one with them and absorb everything that is in their consciousness and their soul. She would then break the contact keeping what she had stored. Every once and a while if she found a real dark source of energy, she might call Gerald to have a look, and he would join her in the union. When she was all done she would give all this information to Gerald. He would keep it in his mind and use it in his subconscious. But he would also pass it on to The Afterlife, who would also store it and use it. Basically that's what would be done. We would need an interpreter of course, so these people could be told that they would not be harmed, and someone to read the files to Gerald when the person is brought in..just the basic information, where they're from, what they're accused of, that sort of thing. That would be about it! Of course some security to move the prisoners around, but basically that's what The Kingdom Of God wants us to do, find out exactly what creatures of Darkness have been messing with these people. It would make fighting them much easier!
We were thinking of doing a chapter by chapter review of "The DaVinci Code," but with everything that is going on we simply don't have the time to do the research. But we were wondering if anybody has ever heard of a political group that was operating in the 80s headed by some renegade priests called The Right Hand Of God? On two occasions we got letters from them saying that if we didn't stop saying Mary Magdalene was Jesus' wife something very desperate could happen to us. When we contacted some friends they told us that these people were very dangerous, that it was believed they had been involved in murders of people that oppose the church. Unfortunately during one of our many moves the box containing their letters and several other important documents disappeared off the back of the UHaul while we were carrying some other boxes into the apartment! Many valuable papers were lost including a letter from a minister's group warning other ministers in Maine that this group was sending women infected with deadly diseases into churches of other denominations trying to seduce the ministers and infect them! If anyone has ever heard of this group and the priests that were involved with it, we would appreciate them directing us to any information on them. We would like to refresh our facts.
Oh! The other night while we were listening to Linda's favorite talk show, somebody on it said someone had written a book saying that Jesus was related to Cleopatra. This gave Jesus several moments of well needed laughter! He says "Positively and absolutely not! Maybe ten thousand generations back, but not a close enough relationship that would be meaningful. Cleopatra was definitely not of Hebrew descendency and not of the line of David!" This gave Him quite a few chuckles

August 2, 2,006
Unbelievable Horror!
Muhammed Attacked!

Sometimes you receive a setback so horrible, so unbelievable, that you do not know how to put it into words. We thought the dark ones' ability to penetrate into The Afterlife had been destroyed. An incident has occurred that shows We are sadly wrong. Muhammed was greeting the souls that had been lost in the attack on the Lebanese village. He was telling them that those who supported Hezbollah would not be allowed into Paradise, that the Hezbollah fighters were being destroyed forever, and the fallen Israeli soldiers were taking their place in Paradise, receiving their reward, caring for the Islamic women that had no comforters. Suddenly three of The Shiite, two men and a woman, drew knives from beneath their robes, charged Muhammed, and began to stab him, screaming "You have betrayed us for The Jews! You are not of God! You have betrayed us for The Jews!" Muhammed drove them off, and they instantaneously, before everyone, suffered the second death, were destroyed forever. Muhammed's wounds quickly healed, and he assured everyone that he was virtually unharmed. But his people have become enraged. They are crying "Death to The Shiite! Death to those who touch The Prophet! Let their blood run in the sands!"
Muhammed is pleading for calm, reminding the people that as many of The Shiite as possible must be brought back to God if mankind is to survive. That they must not be destroyed but they must be converted to true Islam. But controlling the people's rage is very difficult. All three of these individuals bore the energy signature of the Hezbollah leader in Lebanon. They were his spiritual followers, they carried his dark power!
Everyone is trying to calm Muhammed's followers in The Afterlife, but their anger is nearly beyond control. That anger is bound to reach into the material world, and what havoc it will cause is unpredictable. But that a creature of Darkness has the power still, to get his agents into The Afterlife and have them physically attack a Bearer Of Light is frightening beyond belief! We need more help to spread Muhammed's message in the material world, to reach these people before they destroy us all!
As soon as we have enough light Muhammed will try to record a message telling his people what has happened. He is having a hard time functioning and We don't know if this message should be given to the living. But the truth must be told. How great this evil is must be made known! That it has to be stopped must be understood!

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