August 11, 2,006
Muhammed's Wounds

We have been asked to accurately describe Muhammed's wounds. People are still appalled that this can happen. Well, let's see. The first wound, on the top of the head over the left eye angling to the left. It was about two inches long. The second and third wounds were on the right shoulder about an inch below the neck. One was about 2 1/2 inches long, the other was about 2 inches long. They met at the same point and formed an inverted V pointing to the right. The 4th and 5th wounds were in the abdomen on the right side, about three inches from the bellybutton, almost exactly up and down. The second wound is about an inch from the first one. Both were about two inches and very deep. The 6th wound was almost exactly opposite on the abdomen on the left side. It, too was about two inches wide and very deep. The 7th and final wound was on the little finger of Muhammed's left hand on the bottom between the first and second joint, a simple straight cut right down to the bone. Those are basically the wounds Muhammed suffered at the hands of his Shiite attackers.
We're also asked "What were the knives like that Muhammed was stabbed with?" They were very simple, something that could've been made in a machine shop. The blades were two inches wide and they were eight inches long. They were sharpened on the bottom with the tip curving up and curving down, and with the top curve also sharpened. But the top of the knife was flat. They had simple wooden handles with no guard on them. They were just very simple knives that the attackers could easily visualize and create in The Afterlife. That they were able to do so still amazes the experts, that they could carry this dark power into The Afterlife and survive so long!
And speaking of Muhammed he is praising The Israelis for following his wishes and not giving in to the cries of the world to leave Hezbollah alone and seek peace. All the Hezbollah soldiers that are dying are suffering the second death, dying forever. But The Israeli soldiers are being rewarded by taking their places and becoming their women's comforters. Things get all twisted around sometimes!
Did anybody hear of an earthquake in North Dakota Wednesday? Linda was sitting at the computer and the desk started rocking. She says it was really weird! Nothing else in the room seemed to be bothered but the desk was definitely moving. We've got some strange phenomena going on around here!
Our friend Lorn got an ad for us in The Village Voice online. This is phenomenal! We have tried for years to get even a small ad in The Village Voice and were constantly rejected! We once got a very nasty letter saying that The Village Voice did not carry our kind of advertising, which we thought was very strange because of the filth they did carry. But Lorn is a wonder worker! If we only had more people like him getting ads in other newspapers and paying for them, especially telling what Muhammed is doing, we might have a chance of turning this thing around. But every effort helps, every person that is exposed to the truth is another hope for survival. Here's the link!

One final note. Back in the last Presidential election Jesus promised He would destroy Lieberman. Well, it looks like He's done a pretty good job, doesn't it? It looks like his political power is over, and he will now do the Democrats more harm than good. The Lords Of Light fulfill Their promises!

Proper Islamic Dress from Muhammed's video on the subject.

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