August 12, 2,006
Poor, Poor Lou!

Got another message about poor Lou Gentile still attacking us. We had an argument a while back because he was supporting this so called prophet called Yahweh who we said was a complete fake. I wonder if any of his space ships have ever landed? Ha ha ha! Ain't gonna happen! Anyway, we tell people not to worry about it. Some time old Lou will come to his senses and realize Yahweh was a farce. But anyway, here's a link to what he's been saying. Should bring a few chuckles.

( This podcast is no longer available on line. }

It's getting so nobody's even going to want to fly. You won't be able to take anything on the planes. This is no joke. Gerald was reading a thing where they said they may require people to ship their belongings, have no carry ons of any kind, be required to purchase temporary clothes at the airports to wear on the flight, and buy a different outfit to return in. I know it sounds crazy but this is what the government is considering. Can you imagine people flying on vacation and having to rent all their clothes at the hotel because they can't bring anything? Somebody would make a lot of money, wouldn't they? But pretty soon it's going to be so inconvenient to fly or take any public transportation, that people will simply drive where they're going, if the government doesn't mess that up some way. It's a sad world, and it's getting sadder every day! But at least they stopped these morons with the liquid explosives! Linda was saying how long will it be before somebody puts a bomb in a laptop? Surprised they haven't yet! You could easily put enough explosives in a lap top to hold it up to a window and blow it out. How long will it be before they're forbidden on a plane? And what about cell phones? Explosives could easily be hidden in those also. It takes very little to bring down a commercial airliner.
We had a nice interview with The Kidd Chris Show on WYSP Thursday. Linda checked out their web site. It's definitely an adult oriented station! But they really ought to get some better impersonators! The guy trying to sound like Ringo sounded like Sylvester Stallone! Linda felt like saying "Yo! Adrian!" But we'll probably get quite a few visits to the web site from the interview, and that's what matters. Some day the right person is going to be listening. And they even gave the web site address right several times! Bless their souls!
Posted on our You Tube site; Linda McCartney is upset that the British press is still at it, now blowing the story that Paul has changed the locks on his house now he's getting a divorce all out of proportion. She says this is a perfectly normal thing to do and they should mind their own business! Linda's got more of our back issues up! Trying to squeeze this in between other projects. So much to do. Enjoy!

The 3rd Platoon, Christ's Brigade

Love the services at You Tube! Someone posting as usanewsnetwork has blocked us out of their sites so we can't post any comments on any of their videos. This is extremely handy. Then you don't waste your time posting things to obnoxious people when you can't tell if you've posted to them yet or not. Of course these people are sending themselves straight to hell, but it sure is convenient for us!

The Messiah Syndrome

Why is it so hard for some people to accept the truth? Well, people have deep desires and one of those greatest desires is to be rescued, to have someone else come along and solve all their problems, fix everything for them so they don't have to take any responsibility. In The Kingdom Of God it's called The Messiah Syndrome. The Messiah will come and make everything right. If the world is polluted He'll instantaneously make it pure again. If our particular sect doesn't have domination He'll come and kill everybody else so we're the only ones left and we'll take over the world! This belief in modern times has been transferred from Jesus to extra terrestrials. The extra terrestrials are going to descend from space and solve all of our problems, clean up pollution, make people do things the right way, so it will be a perfect world. Our enemies, The Ashtarians, were trying to use this belief to take over the world and have caused the endless mess that we're in now. To tell someone that strongly believes in The Messiah Syndrome that their saviors aren't going to come, that they're going to have to solve their own problems, and make the world better themselves, or everything is going to die, is going to make you an instantaneous enemy. You're taking away their easy ride, their free trip, their easy escape. Now they're going to have to work, they're going to have to struggle, and they don't want to do that. They want everything done for them. And if you say it isn't going to be done they're going to hate you, they're going to despise you because you're taking away their easy fix, the solution to all their problems. That is the greatest evil that Earth is facing right now. It is what is making so many people refuse to believe, because they want the easy fix that isn't coming, and while they're waiting for it everything will die around them. But they will never let anyone tell them they're wrong.

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