August 16, 2,006
Trouble At You Tube

Here's the latest video at You Tube! But there are real problems there.

***This video is now only available on our web site from the link below.***

Muhammed's Spiritual Victory In Lebanon

They have blocked out Muhammed's description of the attack on him by The Shiites saying it had inappropriate content. This cannot be understood by anyone in The Afterlife considering the other filth that You Tube allows on the site. Absolute rage is pouring out against the operators of You Tube from The Shiites because they believe this video is the only hope of saving their people. Muhammed is asking everyone to contact You Tube and ask them to reinstate the video, that in no way is it's content improper. It is merely a statement of what happened, a statement of fact that has a right to be expressed. Muhammed commented "So for the illusion of freedom of speech in America! Freedom of speech does not exist in America! As long as you are speaking filth you can say anything you want, but if you speak the simple truth you are forbidden. America is such a farce!" We are in hopes people can prove Muhammed wrong and get You Tube to act responsibly. There is no telling what of our material they will block next calling it inappropriate!
Linda had a good interview with 5fm in Johannesburg, South Africa. They were supposed to call at 11:40 but they didn't call until 1:40! Gerald was simply too tired to wake up and take part, but Linda gave a pretty good interview. And apparently it was quite well received because a surge of energy poured into The Afterlife! We're hoping to do some more things with them later.
To add to our frustration we didn't get "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" on the VCR last night! Gerald moved the television while he was cleaning the carpet and unplugged everything. Now the VCR won't reprogram. We set everything, leave it, and when we turn it back on the settings are all wrong! Frustration, frustration, frustration! Plus, the computer is running worse and worse! Someone said to us "You know, it might not be the hackers. I had the same trouble after I tried to delete McAffee and it ended up being their programming. They don't like people removing their systems and put stuff in your computer to mess them up if you do!" We certainly hope this individual is wrong, that McAffee is a responsible company and wouldn't do things like this.
We knew the creatures of Darkness were going to strike back after the victory in Lebanon, and we have to admit, their attack was well placed! Taking out Muhammed's video is a major blow against us. But we will continue operating. The video is still at our site and we have put a link to it on our main page. The evil will be overcome. After all, We have eternity!
Oh! Here's the latest song from John Lennon! Hope everybody likes it as much as we do. Linda should be able to sing it in a couple days. This is a victory song for Lebanon.

By; John Lennon
Channeled Through; Linda J. Polley
All rights reserved.

1. People wonder what it's like
when you no longer have a life,
Is there anything beyond?
And if so, what do you do There?
If you're good there's untold bliss!
Though there's others that you'll miss.
We're still here, and want to help,
We really do care!

Well, I'm playin' this old guitar,
and wonderin' just where you are
and what you're doin'.

2. We're all holdin' out our hands
hoping the world will understand,
and gets the message.
That death is not the end,
If you're good then everyone wins.
Stop the hate and greed my friend,
and let the truth in.

3. A mysterious voice, an unseen hand,
will guide you to a better land.
It'll be all right and good
when the time comes.
But right now as you live,
You need to hear what we have to give,
listen to the message!

(Repeat chorus to end.)


You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do. ( Eleanor Roosevelt )

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