August 17, 2,006
No More YouTube For Muhammed

Everybody in The Afterlife is waiting for Hezbollah to attack The Israelis again. There are bets going as to how long they will wait before firing rockets again. Gerald says just as soon as The Israeli troops leave the areas where they can fire them. We'll have to wait and see! Muhammed and his people are so upset about what has happened at You Tube that Muhammed refuses to post there any more, and in time he hopes to make it so none of his people will use the service. Anyone who says his comments are unacceptable he cannot tolerate. Gerald was not surprised when Linda told him the whole system was down yesterday. He'd be surprised if the service didn't disappear completely in very short order.
Continuing to read "The Da Vinci Code." We were going through the chapters where they were talking about how the human body is full of prime numbers. Strangely, this is a universal phenomena with all intelligent beings! Some say it is proof of God. But We would say it's just proof we're all from the same universe. If you ever come across a race that doesn't have prime numbers run like hell because they don't belong here! But all the things described in the book work just as well with a Mora, a Squiggle, or even a Crystalline! There are prime numbers all through their bodies too! It is comforting sometimes to know that things are universal! Here's the large size version of Muhammed's latest video at our web site.

In "The Da Vinci Code" Chapter 22, they were saying that the zero meridian or longitude line was originally in Paris. Few people know that many secret societies including The Fellowship Of The Light always put the prime meridian at Jerusalem. They always confused anyone finding any of these messages and realizing that they were coordinances. They would go to the coordinances according to the prime meridian at Greenwich and end up nowhere near anything to do with The Fellowship!
South Africa called again and had Linda record one of Kurt Cobain's songs. Unfortunately they have MacIntosh computers and cannot get what we have up off the internet, always a pain!
Gerald was dreaming last night that he was an old woman in Lebanon who started killing Hezbollah and got her neighbors to start killing them too! Just a frustration dream because The Afterlife is so upset at The Lebanese because they're taking in Hezbollah's propaganda and won't rise up against them. Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran are responsible for the destruction in Lebanon, not The United States or Israel. That people can be so ignorant and not see the truth disturbs Those in The Afterlife very much, and the frustration comes out in Gerald's dreams.

Picture of The Havens from Kurt Cobain's video "The Thunder Is Coming". We're constantly told six foot winged beings would not be able to fly. Unfortunately nobody told The Haven's that! They flew very well!

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