August 22, 2,006
Johnny About Rick Dees

We've been asked what Johnny Cash and the other country entertainers in The Afterlife have against Rick Dees. Absolutely nothing! As a matter of fact Johnny is a fan of Rick's. But They simply want their country station back. They believe those that listen to Them have been very mistreated and disrespected. They have no grievance with Rick, whatsoever, other than he's made a very bad choice in employers.
We've had at least 81 views on the "Muhammed Attacked!" page and video! Next popular video on our site is Jesus' "House Tour," followed by "Whacko The Clown," the "Feet To The Fire Tribute." and the tribute to Jimmy Kimmel. We are definitely still getting some visits to the video even on our own site!
In chapter 26 of "The DaVinci Code" they talk of the stories of The Mona Lisa's name being an anagram of the names of the Egyptian Gods of fertility. We wish we could say that this is a fact, that it has some mysterious significance. But it doesn't. It was simply the name of the party that commissioned the work. It was no great mystery. Perhaps a profound coincidence that Leonardo took advantage of, but it was not anything he did deliberately. However, The Mona Lisa was his badge of office, his sign of identification in The Fellowship Of The Light. That is why he always took it with him wherever he went, not because he was in any way attracted to it, but because other members of The Fellowship recognized it, and accepted his leadership. Sometimes there are profound coincidences, or, was it simply The Lords Of Light working Their wonders? Whatever, The Mona Lisa became an instrument of power, and people are still drawn to that power, even today! The end of chapter 29 showed that The Fellowship Of The Light led their enemies on false trails.
Gerald's dream Sunday morning was one of those real odd ones! Again we were in the house that Gerald often dreams about, and that he wishes he had, when reports started coming in about buildings collapsing all over the world. The concrete was turning to powder on internal supports, and the buildings crumbled. Everybody was in a tithy! No one knew what to do! Just matter of factly Gerald commented "Oh! It's a mutated virus that's eating the concrete! All the buildings in the world will have to be treated with a penicillin solution to keep the virus at bay. And all new buildings will have to have penicillin put in the concrete when they're made." The federal agents assigned to us quickly sent this message to the government and within a couple of days it was announced that what Gerald had predicted was true! Immediately a homosexual senator that was always attacking Gerald claimed it was a set up, that we had produced the virus and released it so we could cure the problem and become heroes. No one took the guy too seriously. But some of his fanatic followers attacked our associates around the country, and were promptly arrested. Now is that dreaming, or is that dreaming? The dream analyzers will have fun with that one!
Got an interesting comment. It went "It's not that I don't believe in you, but I do not think you would be given special consent to put complaints in The Book Of Life. I think this would be reserved for only Jesus. Only The Lord Of Heaven would have the right to register complaints about people." Well, the truth is, this person is way off! It is true we have no special consent to put complaints in The Book Of Life. This service is available to anyone, anywhere in the world regardless of what faith they belong to, what tradition they follow. If they have, in any way, been offended, if someone has abused them, they have every right to register a complaint in The Book Of Life, even if they do not know who it was that hurt them. They can register the incident, the time and the date, and if someone writes down that incident they will be notified. That is the glory of The Afterlife! No one can escape any wrong! All that you do is recorded and some day you will be held accountable. There there is absolute justice!


Of Course There's Forgiveness!

People cannot believe it when we say there is absolute justice in The Afterlife! They say "What about salvation? What about forgiveness?" Well, if a person truly repents, of course they are forgiven, and they are given all assistance to survive and make amends for what they've done. But any person that truly repents knows that they will not be completely free of the anguish they feel, until they have made amends to those they have wronged. The truly repentant will spend thousands of years working for the descendants of those they have wronged until they feel they have repaid every debt they owe, not out of fear, but out of love, in return for the gift of forgiveness that they were given. All debts must be paid! The truly repentant person joyously labors for those that have forgiven them, for they know how great the gift of that forgiveness is! For if it was not given their despair would have destroyed them, forever! No one is ever forced to do anything. The truly repentent person asks "What can I do? How may I serve? What needs to be done?" and they do those things joyously. Those who now live in hate and greed and lust cannot understand this. They say, "Oh, that will never be me! I'm perfectly all right! I won't do a damned thing for anybody else! I don't owe anybody anything!" But when the moment comes that they are facing eternal death and they are forgiven and saved, we guarantee you, they'll have a tremendous change in attitude! We've seen it hundreds of thousands of times! We've also seen what happens to those that do not accept forgiveness, and that's really, really nasty!


The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. ( John F. Kennedy )

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