August 2, 2,006
Kurt's Laugh Saved The Day!

Tuesday morning was pure hell! Trying to get anything done was virtually impossible. The computer was working worse than ever and we think this was because of the bad vibes coming from Muhammed. We could barely get the movie maker to work! But Linda and Muhammed were persistent and they got a video made and put up. Here it is, and the link to the page where we have what happened up.

Muhammed Attacked!
**This video has been banned by You Tube Click Here to watch it from our site! Full story later in this issue!**

Besides the betrayal of Jesus this is one of the darkest incidences ever to happen in The Afterlife!
We were asked "Why didn't Muhammed have any Guards?" He never has Guards in Paradise. His people have total and complete access to him. And they weren't actually in The Kingdom Of God, Itself but just outside The Gate. However, still this incident shows how grave the danger is. But Muhammed still refuses to have any kind of a Guard around him while he is among his The Afterlife anyway.
Everybody's talking abut what's happened with Mel Gibson, and discussing whether or not he's anti semitic. Well, Muhammed says he's got a good way for Mel to prove that he's him get his messages out to the world, help him save The Israelis, save the people of Islam! Help him save everybody! Then people will say "Mel Gibson can't be anti semitic, look what he's doing for Muhammed, and Muhammed supports Israel. Guess Mel's a good guy after all!" That would make sure that Mel Gibson would have a memorable part in history!
We put a simple video up Monday night using some music we'd gotten some time ago and didn't want to go to waste. Here it is!

The Boatman's Song
(Now At Our Site!)

Well here's the link to the latest issue of Voices! Linda's still checking some of the links, but if anything's not working right be sure to let us know as soon as possible. There's several new articles in it that never went out in emails we're sure you'll enjoy.

Monday night Jimmy Kimmel talked about a rampaging squirrel on his show that's been terrorizing a neighborhood. Linda jokingly remarked, "Kurt Cobain ought to write a song about that," and Kurt answered "Well, we heard about that. What do you think of this?"

By; Kurt Cobain
Channeled Through: Gerald A. Polley
All rights reserved.

1. Well, we've got a streaking squirrel!
You know he's on the scene!
Everybody's screamin',
It's the weirdest thing they've ever seen!
This poor little creature's
Just as bare as he can be!
We've got a streaking squirrel!
And he's making quite a scene!

2. All the neighbors they are screaming!
It's giving them bad dreams.
The children are seeing monsters!
It's really quite a scene!
They called the dog catcher,
But he's nowhere to be seen!
He won't mess with a streaking squirrel!
That's the weirdest thing he's ever seen!

3. You know he made the national news!
Even Jimmy showed the scene!
This poor streaking squirrel's
the weirdest thing you've ever seen!
The poor streaking squirrel
really is a scream!

Go for it, Streaky! Go!

What do we think of it? If there was a morning that we ever needed a laugh, it was Tuesday morning, and this sure gave us a good one! Perfect timing Kurt!


It behooves every man to remember that the work of the critic is of altogether secondary importance, and that in the end, progress is accomplished by the man who does things. ( Theodore Roosevelt )

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