August 23, 2,006
Kurt Cobain Wins!

We got a new song through from The Afterlife about the situation with the Los Angeles country station being taken over by pop music. We put up a video at You Tube about it and a bigger version at our site. Here are the links, and the song lyrics below.

(As Of October, 2,006 This Video Is Only On Our Site! See The Link Below!)

By; Kurt Cobain
Channeled Through; Gerald A. Polley
All rights reserved

1. Give 'em back their country,
you dirty rotten dogs!
You took away their station
now everything's a fog!
All the country stars
would like to tie you to the rails!
Give them back their country,
you dirty, rotten dogs!

2. Hey, you stupid people!
Who do you think that pays your bills?
Where does your salary come from
to buy your happy pills?
Come on, you stupid people!
You gotta learn the facts!
Give 'em back their country,
or you'll get a lot of fax!

3. The whole damned country's angry,
you dirty, rotten dogs!
You took away their country
for some singing little dolls!
You might not like the music,
but others surely do!
And if you don't give it back
they'll make an end to you!

4. Come on, you crazy execs!
You've gotta hear the plan!
The people they are calling
all across the land!
Give them back their country!
Give them back their songs!
Give them back their country!
You've really done them wrong!

Or when it's all over
You won't have a job!
Give that station back!
You dirty, rotten dogs!

Getting Kurt Cobain's song yesterday was difficult. Gerald couldn't pick Kurt up at all so Kurt was singing the song to Muhammed and Muhammed was singing it to Gerald until we got it through. When they got done Kurt said "You know, you sing pretty good, Old Prophet! How about joining the band for a couple of sets next concert?" Muhammed said "Oh no, no! I'm too busy! Too much going on! I couldn't possibly! Anyway, the only modern songs I know are The Children's songs, because my people are singing them all the time." "Well, that's fine!" Kurt said, "The public loves them. It'll be a great morale boost! How about "Memorial" and "The Tree"?" Muhammed still said no, and Kurt answered "O.k.." But the word got around and there was practically an uprising among Muhammed's people! They insisted he accept the invitation. So the next time Kurt Cobain And The Wonders perform, Muhammed will do two numbers with them! You never know what's going to happen in The Afterlife! But Muhammed does have a beautiful singing voice! It should be great!
Speaking of Kurt Cobain's latest song, before we got it through a few other musicians in The Afterlife were writing one on the same subject including John Lennon. After we got Kurt's through and they heard it they immediately dropped theirs. Each one had the word dogs in it, and John's even included the lyrics "tie you to the rails!" Every other song was so similar it was decided Kurt's would be the only official one given to the public on this subject.
In our comments on "The Da Vinci Code" yesterday we mentioned that The Mona Lisa was a work that Leonardo Da Vinci had been contracted to do. Someone asked "If that is so, how was he able to keep it?" Leonardo was so impressed and those around him so impressed by his first version of The Mona Lisa, that he decided to keep it and quickly painted a second version for his client, which they received, and a few years later was destroyed in a fire. So it never came to the public's attention. For a time there were actually two very good Mona Lisa's both painted by Da Vinci!


No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. ( Eleanor Roosevelt )

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