August 29, 06
Kurt's Latest & More From The Forum

Boy, the freakos are really coming from the Jimmy Kimmel site! Started getting emails at You Tube that we easily recognized as one of the posters on the forum and she was totally obnoxious, calling Gerald Hitler! As we have said, it is so great that you can simply shut these people off! What amazes us is they take offense when you answer them. They think they're perfectly at liberty to insult and humiliate people and they're not going to say anything back. This is a strange phenomena we find with the homosexual community. They think they can start calling people names and they're not going to be answered. They're privileged! They're special! They can attack people and they can't answer back because They're a specialized segment of the population that have a right to speak their opinions anywhere they want! Do they get a shock when they start calling us crazy and insane, because we disapprove of their sickness! Do they EVER get a shock!
This is what Heat__1717 said about us on the Jimmy Kimmel forum. Again, ABC says this is appropriate, allowable!

Jimmyspal. God created you to ream me up the arse hard and chocolatey.

There are some indignities that people should not be asked to endure. This is sickness beyond belief, depravity beyond understanding! This is not legitimate conversation, this is sadistic attacks and ABC should not allow it! But they won't block these people out. They continue to allow them to return again and again using different names and continue to humiliate decent people. It is simply not acceptable! People are still complaining that they are confused by the names that The Islamic People in The Afterlife use for us and others. They have asked us to explain what these names mean, and why The Islamic People use them. Here goes!

Laura Bush is Hagar, the mother of Ishmael. The Islamic People in The Afterlife call her The Mother Of Our Mothers and honor her greatly.

Linda Polley is Sarah, the wife of Abraham and the mother of Israel. The Islamic People also believe she was Gerald's human wife ages ago, when he first came to Earth, and bore him six children, three sons and three daughters, who became the foundation of the human race. She is called The Mother Of Mothers, for it is believed she is the mother of all mothers.

Gerald Polley is believed by The Islamic People in The Afterlife to be an Angel that came to Earth ages ago, that he took a human wife, and had six children that became the foundation of the human race. That is why The Islamic People call him The Father Of Fathers, which is different from Abraham, who They call The Father Of Our Fathers. Speaker Polley is also called by The Islamic People in The Afterlife The Voice Of The Prophets, because he speaks for The Prophets from the first to the last, and any others that oppose evil and need someone to speak for them. This is why The Islamic People have asked Muhammed to have The Polleys speak for him and do his Work, because They believe they have been God's Messengers for untold ages.

We know it is all confusing, but this is why The Islamic People use these names. Someone has asked "If Muhammed ever got to go to Hollywood would he be on The View? It is an ABC program. Absolutely not! Not as long as Rosie O'Donnell is a member of the cast. He would give Barbara Walters up to an hour long interview at some other location, say, Jimmy Kimmel's studios, but he would go nowhere near The View's set. It's rather strange! Many of the men that we deal with in The Afterlife would rather have Barbara interview them than anyone else. Even Jesus once offered her an interview! The lady seems to have that certain something!

The question on everybody's mind is, "What would The Kingdom Of God like to do with hurricane Ernesto?" Well, to put it simply, They'd like to bring it into The Gulf Of Mexico, let it churn there for a while, and then make a perfect hit on New Orleans, bring it in precisely so the storm surge goes right over the city! It sounds cruel, and mean, but that's what They'd like to do so no one would have a doubt that it's the wrath of God! We'll just have to wait and see how successful They are, but we understand there's several other candidates forming behind Ernesto. The Kingdom Of God may have plenty of ammunition to keep trying! But that's what They want. A single Spirit can move very little, but billions of Them working together can move a lot! And The Kingdom Of God has billions of Souls!
Here's our latest video! Kurt Cobain has become fascinated with Our People's History and The Awakening, and he wrote this song about it that has become very popular in The Afterlife! As we say, these are demos. Linda can't scream like Kurt does! You're going to have to imagine a little to get it the way he sings it. The video features pictures of The Havens, The Hashons, and, The Peepians.

***Now only on our site from the link below.***


Why New Orleans?

Well, as we're finishing up this magazine it looks like the first hurricane is going to miss New Orleans, but that New England is in for another drenching. As We have said this is not a perfect science, but The Kingdom Of God will keep trying. People ask "Why New Orleans?" Well, it is one of the most sinful cities in The United States, drugs, sex, and who knows what else! And it's vulernable. The Kingdom Of God wants the chemicle plants and the refineries there moved to other places. It's that simple!

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