August 4, 2,006
Self Torture No No!

Well, we have started reading "The Davinci Code." In the first chapter the albino priest murders the protectors of the secrets. Jesus wanted us to mention that any priest or group of priests engaged in murdering people that don't practice the faith will not enter into The Kingdom Of God and will probably suffer the second death. This is positive and absolute! Anyone that murders for the sake of the church's secrets is not acceptable to God. In the second chapter the albino priest is torturing himself in penance for his sins. Jesus also wanted us to mention that He condemns self torture. The Catholics have many societies that practice this and they think it will get them into The Kingdom Of God. It will not because they are blaspheming God, torturing themselves in His name. Those who truly suffer and endure hardship serving God and mankind will be rewarded. But those that torture themselves will be damned no matter how many donations they make, no matter how many prayers they say, if they deliberately inflict pain on themselves to glorify themselves they will never enter The Kingdom Of God. As we think more about The DaVinci Code We see that there are some very serious flaws in it. First of all, a Catholic assassin would never be able to get that close to the real Keepers Of The Truth. He would be destroyed before he ever got that close. Two, The Keepers Of Truth always work in three teams of three that have no contact with each other. If any one team was totally decimated, the other two would still keep the secrets safe. Thirdly, some of The Keepers Of Truth were so powerful each generation that even if The Catholics suspected who and what they were, they couldn't do anything! George Washington and Ben Franklin were Keepers Of The Truth in their generation. Do you think a Catholic assassin could've gotten to them? Fourthly and most important of all, The Keepers Of The Truth are programmed to die before they reveal anything that might threaten The Truth. There is no way an adversary could prevent it. Before they could give them anything that mattered their physical existence would end. So the idea of a Catholic assassin gaining knowledge of The Secrets is ludicrous! Let you know what else we find later!
Our friends in the east have asked if we could get our emails out a little earlier in the morning. Unfortunately we can't. Gerald usually gets up between 5:30 and 6:00 and sees what's going on. If we're going to record a video we have to wait for good light. Linda usually gets up about 8. It takes about a half an hour to get that morning's goings on typed up and ready to go. So usually about 8:30 our time is the best we can do. Of course that's 9:30 in the east and too late for the early morning shows. That's why we've been sending stuff out a day ahead for the next day. That's about the best we can do. And sometimes we have early morning interviews scheduled. That means we cannot work on anything too much or send anything out until they're done. Another one of the problems caused by dial up! Maybe some day if we have a big house and some staff, somebody that can get up with Gerald maybe we could get things going earlier, but not now.
Of course we are being asked "What do they intend to do about Lebanon in The Afterlife?" Well the plan right now is to try to get Hezbollah to keep fighting. Every time there's talk of a cease fire have them launch more rockets so The Israelis have to respond so that The Israelis can take a good many of them out. Aside from that Muhammed is still trying to get Syria to do something stupid against The United States, and there's always Iran. If they should send a wave of fighter planes over Jordan to attack Israel that could get interesting! Isn't Iran mainly Shiite? Can never keep this stuff straight!
Someone has asked "When Muhammed was attacked in The Afterlife the other day did it hurt?" Like hell! This is because over There you are attacked with negative energy. When people are just fighting for sport they can loose an arm and put it right back on and be fine in a few seconds. But serious attacks cause horrendous pain and disorientation. Of course it doesn't last long but long enough. That's why Muhammed's followers are so angry. Modern technology is wonderful! We would never be able to carry all the songs with us that we have done from John Lennon and others. There's 120 of John's, alone! That's a lot of paper! So Linda's putting them all on a CD..the lyrics, anyway, so we'll be able to put them in her goodie folder and take them with us! So if we need to look up the lyrics of any song we can pop the CD into a computer and voila! Information at hand! Gerald will also be carrying a disc with a copy of all our web sites so other information can be looked up anywhere we are. Now, if we just had a lap top to put the discs in!
And here's Gerald's latest dream. He dreamed he was in a betting parlor, a bookie joint and making a bet that The Yankees would win The Series. And people were angry because he was making the bet, he doesn't particularly understand why, but they didn't like him betting on The Yankees. That's the only dream he can remember. Let's see what the psychiatrists make of that!

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