August 9, 2,006
Paris Hilton Celibate? Really!!!!

We've just finished reading chapters 7 and 8 of "The DaVinci Code" by Dan Brown. Here are our comments on them. Those in The Kingdom Of God find it laughable that because the members of Opus Dei bailed the Catholic bank out of bankruptcy their founder is on the fast track to sainthood, which is interesting considering he was banned from The Kingdom Of God for teaching self torture which the Kingdom Of God forbids. How strange that those in the material world so praise such people of evil, and call them holy! What a few billion dollars can do in a corrupt church! It mentions in chapter 8 that Leonardi DaVinci was a homosexual. Well, actually he was a bisexual, though he did have open boyfriends, he had secret female lovers. This was mostly to irritate the church who actually would have found the female lovers more offensive than the male lovers, as homosexuality in the church was just as much a problem then, as it is today. As a matter of fact, Davinci got many of the lucrative church contracts he obtained by warming some bishop's bed. However, this did not keep DaVinci from being a member of The Fellowship Of The Light and operating right under the church's nose, even for some years leading the Fellowship!
Actually got a few visits from the newspaper ad! We are sure it probably generated other visits but the people didn't come directly from the ad but wrote it down. There has been a flurry of activity at our web site! Here's the link to the large version of Muhammed's latest video.

Speaking of Muhammed, an Islamic cleric was driven from his post in The Afterlife and into the Darkness because he commented that perhaps some concessions should be made to Hezbollah in Lebanon, that they were doing some good for the people. The members of his congregation immediately rose up in rage, crying "He's bringing the dark power into Paradise! He supports the creatures of evil! Drive him out! Drive him out!" They began to beat the cleric and he fled into the Darkness. Muhammed makes his feelings absolutely clear. He wants Hezbollah crushed. He wants French troops to come into Lebanon and help The Israelis and the Lebanese army destroy Hezbollah. He does not want any more UN involvement. He says The UN is useless, they just stand around and watch Hezbollah prepare to attack Israel and do nothing. Sometimes they have even helped arm Hezbollah. The money coming in to Hezbollah must be cut off. Iran and Syria must be stopped, whatever means it takes. Their surrogate army must be disbanded. Muhammed will accept nothing else! Jesus sends an open message to President Bush. "I have shown you that I can destroy anything that you do that I do not want. Why do you still oppose me? Why will you not do what I ask? How long must I humiliate you before you will understand that it is I that is keeping you from doing what you want?" Jesus hopes President Bush will get His message, but we doubt it. He is just too determined to please his friends and to have his way.
On another matter, those in The Kingdom Of God are completely irate that so much fuss is being made over Paris Hilton saying she will be celibate for a year. To put it bluntly, who gives a damn? It's something that does not matter. She is a spoiled little rich girl who could be doing great things, but instead she is doing nonsense. She will not keep this pledge and everyone knows it. And as far as The Kingdom Of God is concerned, she shouldn't. She is a vital young woman and should have a husband, and they should be intimate as much as they want to be. She should give up this illegitimate sex and join into a sacred union and glorify God. Sometimes Those in The Afterlife get upset about things that people in the material world simply don't understand.
We had to shut down the comment feature on You Tube for a few hours. The people were getting totally out of hand. One guy was going berserk on the word 'love' because we told him he should not say that he loves another man. Sometimes the things that these people get stuck on is really silly. We'll be freeing up the comment feature later today. Sometimes you just need some peace and quiet! Had to block out one person because she said we were priests of Baal because we supported a woman's right to an abortion. We will simply not associate with such a creature of Darkness! The priests of Baal now operate from Mosques in The Middle East. Today they tell young men to strap bombs on themselves and go out and blow up the innocent for God. There are your priests of Baal!

Ceilbacy On The Old Worlds

Where does the tradition of celibacy come from? Was it part of the Haven culture as so many things are that have been incorporated into The Catholic Church, or is it from some other source? Was celibacy common on The Old Worlds? Did The Hashons and The Peepians practice it? It is a profound question, the answer to which is no! Celibacy sees to be something of a perversion that is peculiar to Earth. None of the priesthoods of The Old Worlds believed in being celibate, not the major ones. There were a few religions that died out that practiced celibacy for a time, but they lost favor and disappeared. And they also had the same problems with their clergy that The Catholic Church is having today! The idea of celibacy was unknown to The Peepians. Though it is not mentioned in The Sacred Writings, all Their priests had wives.
None of The Spiritist sects among The Hashons ever believed in celibacy. The male and female relationship was sacred to Them and was part of their basic beliefs. No, the wide spread practice of celibacy seems to be strangely isolated to Earth. It is not even practiced among the alien races! It is an idea totally foreign to them.

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