September 14, 2,006
Didn't Go Boom And Daniel Stuck

Something odd this week! We don't usually buy Christmas gifts, but while Gerald was shopping the other day John Lennon told him to buy four ceramic crosses. Two say "Love" on them and the other two say "Hope". Gerald was instructed to place them on the family altar so they will be charged with spiritual energy. He was told he is not to send them to anyone, but take them to them when they claim them. So they are on the altar and waiting. When someone wants us to come somewhere and says "Please, when you do bring my cross!" these special gifts will be distributed. We always follow the directions we are given. These are obviously special gifts of love from Those in The Afterlife to those supporting us. We will be waiting to see who claims them!
The Syrians must be totally irate that they had to defend the American embassy from an Al Quaida attack on September 11th! Rather odd that their bomb didn't go off! Maybe some Angelic Messenger disabled it, a little gift to The United States for what cooperation they've been giving. The whole thing seems rather odd that apparently one of the people blew himself up in his own car. Some people are saying maybe the Syrians sat up the whole thing. But that doesn't seem likely. If that had been the case none of the attackers would've survived however, they have a prisoner. So far the Syrians have managed to keep their fanatic military commanders in control, much to Muhammed's dismay! In this particular situation they deserve The United States' gratitude.
Again, Muhammed cries out to President Bush and begs his support, begs his help to get his messages to The Iraqi People, especially The Sunnis. It would be such a simple thing for The United States to put a few translations of our videos on Iraqi t.v. stations or with Arabic subtitles. For a very small cost they could get a very tremendous benefit., and the government doesn't even have to do it! They could get some private citizen to pay for it, so The Democrats wouldn't be able to scream about it. President Bush has many friends with more than enough means to help. Muhammed cannot understand why he won't.
Everyone is asking how Anna Nicole's son Daniel, is doing in The Afterlife. Well, he isn't! He hasn't made it There yet. He's stuck in the hospital where he died. He refuses to accept that he's dead. He's stuck at a level where he can still see material structure but not people. So to him the hospital is empty except for the spiritual attendants that are in charge there. They are currently caring for him with the aid of a local demon that wandered in, as she can put on the persona of a very attractive mulatto girl she tends to keep Daniel's interest. It still gives us the shivers that these foul creatures are cooperating with The Kingdom Of God! But any help in a situation like this is gladly accepted. An expert has been called in to examine Daniel and says that he will be in this state at least a month, maybe more. This is not unusual. At least fifteen per cent of the people that pass over a year go through this phenomena. Sometimes it is simply impossible for people to accept they are dead especially when they are young and want to continue living. However no complications are forseen. Daniel should become aware of his death in time and enter The Afterlife. He might be a little shaky for a while, but he shouldn't have any serious problems.


Food Replicators On The Old Worlds

We are often asked if Our Ancient Peoples had food replicators that are so popular on many science fiction shows. Not exactly! They had food production units. Surprisingly all The Old Races developed virtually the same system. The ships carried seed cells of different staples. They would put one of these cells in a food production unit, use waste reprocessed from the ship, and cause those cells to copy themselves at an incredible rate. They could produce meat, vegatables, and grain in a very short time. Several of these units could provide the food for a ship's crew virtually indefinitely with a small amount of extra organic material to be reprocessed. There were also emergency stores that could last for several months if something happened to the food production units which sustained life but weren't all that palatable. The space travelers of old were well fed! The Ancients did have replicators but they had a basic fault. What they replicated only stayed that way for 48 hours. If you made steel out of copper 48 hours later it would become copper again. This process, however, worked very well when you were making something that was going to be used within 48 hours, say a bomb or something. It didn't much matter after the bomb blew up if 48 hours later it reverted back to whatever it had been made of. It had already blown up. Actually this fault in The Ancients' replicating systems was often used as an advantage. But you could see the problem if you made food out of certain items and it was in your body then 48 hours later it reverted back to that substance! It could have some very nasty results!


Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength
for our nation. ( John F. Kennedy )

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