September 16, 2,006
Katie, Sit Behind The Desk!

This may sound strange but The Kingdom Of God is a little upset about Katie Couric sitting on her desk during her newscasts. She should either sit behind the desk or stand. As some in The Kingdom Of God put it "When she sits on the desk it makes it look like she wants to lie down on the desk to get the mens' attention and this is inappropriate." A national newscast should not be a sex show. Performances should not be given to attract male viewers and The Lord Of Heaven feels this is what is happening. This is a very bright and intelligent woman who is very skilled in her field. Let's stop trying to use sex to make her more appealing. We're going to make some enemies with this one, but this is what The Lord Of Heaven is saying. And let's make the dresses just a tad bit longer. People say Jesus is too old fashioned, this is a modern age, but sometimes we don't need to be too modern.
One of Gerald's coworkers keeps telling the story of how his brother set his parents' house on fire by putting a deep fryer on the stove when he was drunk then laying down and blacking out. The deep fryer overheated and caught fire. It is like this guy is telling stories of Gerald's own family. There were several things quite similar to that.
One time one of his cousins came home roaring drunk and wanted some ribs. He couldn't find the roasting pan so he put three racks of ribs in the oven on a cookie sheet, turned the oven way up, went in, laid down on the couch, and blacked out while everyone was asleep upstairs except his father. Fortunately his father came home in time to put the fire out with minimal damage to the kitchen. But if he'd been a few minutes later it could've been a real disaster. You hate to admit that any of your relatives could be that stupid, that they could get that drunk! But unfortunately they're just human beings and everybody makes a mistake once and a while. Sometimes those mistakes can be costly!
We have finally managed to put together a new Voices links page plus the beginnings of a new back issues list. We think you will like it much better than the original one Here's the link.

Jesus strongly condemns The Pope for saying that Muhammed taught that Islam should be spread with the sword. He knows Muhammed never taught this, that this is a teaching of those that corrupted Islam so that they could use it as an instrument to make war. The Pope is a good man. He should not give false teachings even when it is the doctrine of his church. He should speak out and give people the truth. Muhammed taught that Islam should be spread by kindness and respecting your neighbors. He clearly taught that anyone who taught the forcing of religion on others was a thing of evil. The Pope should not spread the lie that Muhammed taught hate. It is simply against everything Christian. "Thou shalt not bear false witness." The Pope cannot call himself Christian and deliberately spread such a lie.
Gerald was having a nice day yesterday. The coworker that is being so irritating wasn't there. Then the deliveries came in and when the onions warmed up a cloud of fruit flies came out of them. They were coming out of the storeroom going around the corner and right into the bug zapper. Gerald went over to take a look and he accidentally inhaled and swallowed one of the bugs! He coughed and choked for over two hours until he finally coughed the little pest back up. It is so incredible that a little tiny fly that it is even hard to see could cause such havoc! But this little pest drove Gerald's sinuses crazy! The dark ones have strange allies, sometimes so small you can barely see them!
Muhammed heard some good news that Jordan is cracking down on fundamentalist clerics making hate edicts. He wishes every Islamic nation would do this, gather up every one of these creatures of Darkness that teaches hate, put them in prison under total isolation so they cannot reach any of their followers and spread their poison. The American Libertarians would scream about this, but Muhammed believes hate should be silenced. Their ignorance of letting those who encourage people to kill speak out is beyond his understanding. How can the American people accept such creatures of Darkness that allow the ignorant to teach their children to kill? He cannot find any reason why these people should be permitted to do what they do and he asks the parents of America to speak up and say "No more! Get these people that teach our children to kill off the streets! Protect our children!"
Things are going crazy at You Tube. We had a comment on George Reeves' video and we tried for over twenty four hours to answer it and a notice kept coming up that there was an error and we couldn't post. Suddenly there seems to be errors on posts that somebody disagrees with and the people that have those posts can't respond to sick and ignorant comments. Thank goodness we can still remove them, at least! But somebody at You Tube needs to wake up and get the system working.


Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb. ( Sir Winston Churchill )

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