September 20, 2,006
What The Pope Must Say

Gerald's doctor's appointment didn't turn out too bad Monday. The doctor didn't do much because he wasn't sure what was going on. He doesn't think it's a nail problem so he wants to wait to see if it flares up again and get a look at it when it's really infected. He removed a whole bunch of flesh build up and it felt a lot better! Whatever caused it might be gone...we hope!
We made out like bandits at the second hand store on the way home! Gerald got two good pairs of pants for work. It's the first time they've had any 44s since he's been checking there! Linda got two nice black shirts, one of them's got a cute picture on it of Mickey Mouse and Minnie as the classic farmer couple. We've put up a picture at the address below.

We got a new pair of winter boots for Linda, ten CD cases, and a CD of The Mighty Mighty Bosstones called "Let's Face It", featuring Jimmy Kimmel's announcer. Unfortunately when Linda opened the CD later it was empty. She was bitterly disappointed. Any other time the clerk at the counter would've opened and checked to make sure the CD was in there, or Linda would've had. The one time nobody checked the CD wasn't in it! Whenever you buy anything at one of these stores you always want to absolutely make sure what is in something is there and is what it's supposed to be. You can't ever take it for granted. Still, even with this we made out very well, all for $28.00! You probably couldn't buy a good pair of pants in a retail store for that! We simply do not know what we would do without these stores! We could not live!
Someone has asked "Why won't The Islamic People accept The Pope's apology? Why isn't it enough?" Because he is not saying the right thing. These are the exact words that Jesus wants The Pope to say. "I deeply apologize to The Islamic People for implying in any way, that Muhammed taught the killing of the innocent. I know this to be a total untruth. My church knows this to be a total untruth. Muhammed taught to treat all captives with dignity and honor, and to do no harm to the innocent. It was the fundamentalists that taught The Islamic People to murder the innocent, Muhammed was a great teacher and a servant of God. Whether some choose to call him a prophet or not, we must recognize the sincerity of his teachings and that they were meant for the good of his people. It is those people that do not listen to his teachings that are threatening to destroy the world, not those that do. I again express my sincere apologies, and I hope The Islamic People will accept them, that I do deeply respect their teacher, though I do not consider him a prophet he was definitely a servant of God!" These are the exact words that Jesus wants The Pope to say to The Islamic People.
Muhammed wants to say a few things this morning. First of all, he condemns The UN bitterly for attacking Israel on the use of cluster bombs. Israelis were being murdered, Israel has every right to use whatever weapons it has to defend itself. If The UN can shut up, disarm Hezbollah and stop the attacks on Israel then Muhammed will listen to whatever they have to say. But until they can stop those among their people that are murdering the innocent The UN should shut their mouths! They are useless, worthless men, and these are Muhammed's exact words! When there are UN soldiers that will fight, that will protect the innocent and not let them be murdered, The UN has the right to condemn. But as long as their soldiers are useless they should say nothing! Muhammed says there is still time to avoid civil war in Iraq, but very little. If he could get his messages to The Shiite people there, and turn them from the Darkness, return them to The Light there would be some hope, but as no one will help him, as people are determined to prove their earthly might, and will not respond to him, there is little hope that wholesale slaughter can be avoided. Man does not truly want to solve the problems, they only want to glorify themselves and make themselves feel important. He again begs President Bush "Help me reach my people and then turn these murderers over to me so I can judge them, and The Angel Of Destruction can destroy them forever! Let me HELP you, do not stand alone! Do not listen to the fools that say we can win this without spiritual powers. Material power can solve these problems. They are leading you to eternal death. They are destroying you forever. Both Jesus and I stand ready to give you all our power. If you will only accept it. Why are you determined to destroy mankind? Why are you such a fool?" That ends Muhammed's comments for this morning.


Religious Tolerance On The Old Worlds

With all this controversy about what The Pope said concerning Muhammed, were there ever any such disagreements among religious leaders on any of The Old Worlds? Is there anything comperable?" There is absolutely nothing! There were two religious sects on Hades, The Spiritists and The Goddens. The Spiritists recognized that The Godden teachers were good people, and They taught Their people rightly, but that others that followed after Them corrupted Their teachings and used them for evil. None of The Hashon religious leaders would ever make bad comments about The Godden Prophets. They would make comments about those that corrupted Their teachings, but They would never attack The Prophets, Themselves. They would teach Their true teachings of love and harmony, and attack those that falsely taught that They told Their people to hate. When Lord Change became The Peepians' Supreme Religious Leader he deeply respected all The Religious Leaders that came before him and forbid any discourse among the different religious sects, punishing any severely that spoke against someone else's religious Teacher. Of course The Havens had only one religious teacher, The Lord God. No one spoke against Him!

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