By; Gerald A. Polley

Ben Gerald Masad hurried into the little universal chapel at the space port. The sun was setting and he had almost forgotten about evening prayers. There was only one other person in the chapel praying, a tall, gray Fallujian with dark red hair and piercing green eyes. Ben took off the locket from around his neck, hung it on the altar rail, took a towel out of his backpack, spread it on the floor, got down and performed his prayers. When he was done he put the locket back around his neck, folded his towel, and was about to leave when the Fallujian spoke up in very bad Spiritist.
"You are Hume? You are child of The Lords, child of Spirit?"
"Yes," Ben answered. "How may I help you?"
"What is this you pray to?" the Fallujian asked, pointing to Ben's locket. "We have nothing like this. We carry no symbols, no signs of devotion. Explain to me, if not offensive?"
"Of course not!" Ben answered. "We pray to Our Beloved, Our Ancestors, Those Who Have Gone Before Us, and ask Them to call upon The Bearers Of Light to guide and protect us. I do not pray to the locket. The locket holds a relic, an artifact from ages ago that has been handed down in my family for many ages."
"What is it?" the Fallujian asked.
"A small piece of leather," Ben explained, "from the sole of a slipper that once belonged to one of our greatest Teachers. Ages ago one of my Ancestors was visiting him and asked for some token to take home, and the religious Teacher said "I have just been given a new pair of slippers. I wore these old ones when I worked for Jesus and Muhammed. They are filled with Their power. Take these!" My Ancestor took them. When he died his two sons each inherited one of the slippers. When they died their sons took the slippers apart and each family member kept a piece. With each succeeding generation the pieces were cut into smaller and smaller fragments until it was decided they could not be cut any more. So the first born heir of each family gets the relic."
The Fallujian looked wide eyed. "And you carry this about with you?" he finally managed, "Such a treasure, such a thing of wonder, something from a Bearer Of Light? I have heard of this Jesus. I have heard of this Muhammed. Surely anyone that worked with Them was a Great One, also! Did this one do many wonders?"
"Many," Ben answered. "And each of these fragments is said to bring wonders. Even a short time ago I was on a ship that was attacked by Thuggins. We were in pretty desperate shape when suddenly the weapons systems on both of the Thuggin ships failed, and they had to break off the attack! All aboard believed it was because I was there and had this relic!"
The Fallujian looked thoughtful. "Where you go?" he asked.
"Oh, ours is a construction ship," Ben answered. "We hire on to do building projects in any of the colonies in the area."
"What is your ship's name?" The Fallujian asked.
"Arabian Construction," Ben answered. "If you'll excuse me, sir, I have to get going. Things to arrange!"
"May all that is good be with you!" The Fallujian saluted as Ben departed.
"Peace, prosperity!" Ben answered.
A couple of days later Ben's captain and a Speaker came to his cabin. "You seem to have made a friend!" the captain announced. "The Fallujians have been resisting us purchasing a tenth of their homeworld for a colony for years, though they have a completely uninhabited southern polar region which would be excellent for us. They've suddenly announced they'll agree to a colony, but only if you are that colony's governor!"
"What?" Ben gasped. "I'm no politician! I'm a construction engineer! I like to build things!"
"Well, we really want this colony," The Speaker put in. "If you give it a try for a while we would appreciate it!"
Ben sighed. "Well, I guess so!' he replied. A few months later the colony was going strong. One afternoon Ben went to the Fallujian capitol summoned by the emperor! As he entered the great hall a majestic man approached him in golden robes.
"Ah!" the emperor said in very poor Spiritist, "At last you have come! It is almost sunset. Come to the altar. Lead us in prayer! And afterwards my daughter would like to meet you. She wonders about one that carries such a treasure!"
Ben suddenly recognized the man before him. "Yes, your majesty!" he replied bowing. "It is very nice to see you again!"
"I'm glad my last trip before taking office," the emporer answered, "was so beneficial, so beneficial, indeed!"
Ben returned his smile and led the prayers. The relic had worked again in its usual, mysterious way!


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