September 7, 2,006
New Emperor Also Dali Lama!

While doing some work yesterday Linda found ads for homosexual and lesbian dating services on our Tripod site! This absolutely disgusts us! Unfortunately the only solution is either shut everything down on the Tripod site, which we can't do because it has too many important links and gets too much traffic on the search engines. Or, rejoin the paid service so we won't have any ads, which we can't do right now either. So, for the time being people are going to have to understand that this sickness is the responsibility of those who run Tripod and not us. And as soon as we can we will have this filth removed from our sites. Unfortunately decent people don't run these companies any more, and the more perverted the ads, the more they think it will bring customers. Hopefully in the future people will make them understand that destroying children is not a legitimate way to encourage business.
Sometimes you guess people just don't understand your message. We have been asked "What is John's message to Yoko?" It is the song "Remember The Springtime." That is his message to her. It was written precisely as that. A message to Yoko to prove that he still existed and that those sending it to her were real. John believes absolutely if she has heard this song she knows it is from him. There is no doubt in his mind. The song "Remember The Springtime" is an open message from John Lennon to Yoko Ono. It is his love song to her. That's his message.
There are reports that Steve Irwin's death was caught on video, that there are actual pictures of him pulling the stingray's barb out of his chest just before he died. There seems to be controversy over rather or not this video should be shown. Irwin is doing very well in The Afterlife and heard about this. He was told that if he wanted to get a message to the material world Jesus could arrange it. So he asked Jesus to let people know that he definitely wants the video shown, that he died the way he lived, facing nature first hand. He just wishes his death wasn't such an oddity. But it goes to show you have to respect every one of God's creatures, even the most gentle ones. When startled they can do very harmful things. He knew the risks in everything he did. This particular time the risks caught up with him. The world should see his end just as it has seen everything else he did. After he told Jesus this He got the message to us. We didn't like this guy too much when he was alive, he seems more likeable dead! We heard on our favorite talk show that this video was shown on "Larry King, Live!" Tuesday. We didn't get a chance to watch so we can't confirm. Someone has asked again, why can't we give more warning on the things like Muhammed's message to Yoko? Why can't we let people know when something like this is coming up so that they can talk to their people and be prepared for it? Well, we don't know they're coming up! We never know when some things are going to happen. It took us completely by surprise! Muhammed was told that there were a few days of opportunity coming up when Yoko would be open to a message from John, when she would be more willing to acknowledge it. So he tried to take advantage of it. We can't pre plan much. Sometimes all the time things just happen and we have to react to them! Sometimes when we plan things they don't work because something else happens. The Forces we are working with are very unpredictable! We can't bend them to our whim or anyone else's. We simply have to ride the flow, and sometimes it's a flood!
Just a note. The Kingdom Of God is absolutely disgusted that the producers of "Survivor" have divided the contestants up along racial lines. To say that some people are total idiots is a kindness when you're referring to these people. Isn't there enough racial strife in the world? Isn't there enough insanity? Do we have to create false racial tensions on television? All good Christians should simply turn this show off!
Gerald's dreams keep gettin' crazier! He was dreaming Tuesday morning that he was riding around on a bus with Linda, Mike Tyson, and his wife, and several other people. It was one of those buses that had everything; satellite computer hook up, big screen television, and good sized bedrooms. No matter where we were going we could work on the web sites night and day! We seemed to be making speeches and somebody kept mentioning that the campaign was going well. That couldn't be a political campaign! Gerald can't be a politician, he's too honest! It wasn't quite as realistic as other dreams, but it was interesting. Oh, got a comment. It says we're totally out of touch with reality. We should watch more "South Park." Duh??
As we say, we get things out of a clear blue sky without any warning whatsoever, and this is really a good one! The Japanese are all excited that The Imperial Family finally has a male heir and The Imperial Line will go on. They have no idea they've gotten far more than they bargained for! Gerald has been told that the new Emperor is a reincarnation of one of the earliest Dali Lamas, Sin Du Something. Gerald has a very hard time picking up names. But anyway this guy is next in succession to be Dali Lama. How many Buddists are there in Japan? This is definitely going to make strange relations between Japan and China when in fifteen or eighteen years this guy starts to be aware of his heritage and starts seeking his Lamaship! This is going to be very, very interesting!


I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision. ( Eleanor Roosevelt )

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