December 13, 2,006
Project Publish It

Well, we're trying to figure out a plan, here! The first two books of The History are "The Book Of The Beginning" and "The Book Of The Old Fox." "The Book Of The Beginning" tells a little bit about creation theory and describes the major Races. "The Book Of The Old Fox" is the first Teacher. In the format we have it typed up now, that's about 255 pages. It appears that when you put them in the format to print them out two pages become one. So these two books would be somewhere around 125 pages. Staples can staple 200 pages so we're not sure rather we're going to stop there, or try to get in the third book. We'd have to see how many pages it is. But if it would put us over 200 pages, back to back, we'd have to stick with just the first two Books. We would like to get about a hundred printed in the first run so we could mail a few to people that want hard copies, then, put them up on line. We would sell them at cost, plus, shipping. But we don't know exactly how much that would be yet. That's what we're considering. It should take Linda about 25 days if she can get ten pages a day. Maybe she can do a little better than that, but it's hard on her poor little fingers! Let's hope the computer doesn't give out in the middle of this project! But the Work has begun while we continue to do the other Work besides. We're looking for a release date somewhere in the middle of January. And of course as soon as the first one goes up, we'll start working on the next one! There's about 19 books that haven't gone out. Right now we can't find the list! We will eventually. We doubt if we could get them all ready in a year. We don't know how we'd pay for it. But we'll keep trying! Of course with The Book Of The Nazarene and The Book Of Muhammed there's twenty-one or thereabouts. Maybe if we get a couple of books out and people are interested in them, it will stabilize the energy and we can take our time. But we can't guarantee anything! With The Democrats in power time is something we're short of.
We had to take down the Conaan story because we simply can't work on it right now. The Darkness hasn't won yet, We're still fighting, but they're definitely giving us plenty of headaches, plenty of them!
The death of the Chilean dictator Pinochet has sent waves of joy through The Afterlife. But that celebration was several days ago! He has actually been gone that long. Again, creatures of Darkness have been feeding on what was left of this foul creature for some time, after he suffered eternal death. Anyone claiming that they've gotten messages from him from The Afterlife, that he has repented and is sorry for what he did, is a total and complete fraud! This foul thing murdered innocent people in the name of democracy. But he gave his people considerable prosperity. So he is still worshipped by many as a savior. It is unfortunate that each and every one of those people that accepted his evil to enrich themselves will, like him, die forever. They ceased to be human beings long ago! No matter how wealthy they are, no matter how influential, no matter what their earthly position, they tolerated murder for their own enrichment, and they will be destroyed forever, unless they get busy real fast and make amends for what they did, return what they stole to the people.
Everybody keeps asking us what George Harrison and John Lennon will be doing for Christmas. They both may take a quick break Christmas day and join in some of the festivities in The Kingdom Of God. But neither one of them wants to be away from their current missions at this time. John is trying to raise the people of Lebanon working with the spirits there, against Syria, and to keep Hezbollah from taking over the country. George is working for us in Los Angeles every day, trying to make old friends of his aware of us, and aid our efforts. Though he is not even officially a member of The Kingdom Of God he has been working very diligently on this effort for several months and keeping the flow of energy coming into The Kingdom Of God from that area as high as possible. It is phenomenal that these people have so jumped into the effort and are doing such a phenomenal job! If We could only get such response from the living! But John & George keep busy. And they still manage to squeeze in two or three concerts a week! But they don't consider that work, they consider that their fun. Boy, they work hard at their fun! They also make a few personal visits here and there. For dead people they are very, very active!
We have to laugh when we read the stuff by Luca Scantanburio with the Planet X nonsense who was on "Feet To The Fire" Sunday night. No planet could exist in the solar system without astronomers knowing it. The gravitational effect it will have on other planets would reveal its position even if it could not be seen. Our extra terrestrial friends have assured us that there is nothing out there that will threaten the Earth for one hundred years or so. By that time we'll have plenty of technology to deal with a matter like that. It's nothing anyone in this generation's going to have to worry about. We'll probably pick it up and take it with Us when we leave the solar system. We'll use it for construction material. We are concerned with the report of Jennifer Diaz of a man burning himself to death in Chicago to protest the war. We have heard no mention of it in any of the news services. Something like this certainly should have been mentioned!
Here's the links to Monday's "Here's Jesus!" where He talks about the possibility of Hussein being saved and why God has us work for Him. Always good stuff! But again, Jesus would like some questions from some of our dear friends! Just a different way of looking at things.

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