December 21, 2,006
Four Days In California!

Well, somebody that got our email definitely didn't like us. Gerald found a rather nasty comment in the mail Tuesday morning. Of course when he tried to send it back to see if the email address was real it didn't work. As we have said before, it really irritates him when some piece of filth makes disgusting remarks and then uses a phony email so you can't answer! There's one word for that kind of person..coward, totally and completely without any sense of honor! He probably thinks he's quite a man but he just makes the whole world sad. Here's the link to Tuesday's "Here's Jesus!" where Jesus talks about the problems Gerald is having at work, and, AA. Seems to be popular! Got 18 hits in the first few minutes and it even got a rating!

The creator of Yogi Bear and The Flintstones received a rousing welcome in The Afterlife. The actors who play his characters gave him quite a welcome! It was a great time for all. But the world has lost another source of Light, and there's nothing to replace him with. The Darkness is slowly eating up The Light. We need some new bright beacons.
One day left before perhaps the most important sabbath in history! Never has The Kingdom Of God seen so much power! There are signs that people are responding all over the world. If We could only make a substantial breakthrough! Lord Peter has approached Jesus and asked Him to take His Throne for the sabbath Saturday, Sunday, and Christmas Day to bring The Kingdom Of God to Its full and complete power. Jesus has agreed! John Lennon for the same period of time, is temporarily leaving his work in Lebanon and joining George Harrison in Hollywood, doubling their efforts to reach people there, especially those in The Anglican Church until the day after Christmas. Everything The Kingdom Of God has, the rest of The Apostles, the saints, Father Abraham, Moses, will be poured into California, trying to persuade as many Anglican Churches as possible there to vote on Christmas Day to separate from the sodomized church and join the true Church Of God being organized by Bishop Akinola, to even have Anglicans in churches they can't save leave them. "Better," Jesus says "to meet in each others' homes, to meet in peoples' garages, than to meet in a building that is ruled by those that sodomize God's children! If the people cannot save these churches, if they cannot bring them back to God, they must leave them." Every bit of power The Kingdom Of God can spare and even some It can't spare, will be poured into California, trying to awaken God's people. Every person in that state that can receive God's power and transmit it will be used. Even work in Iraq will be temporarily curtailed for this period, and Muhammed will join the struggle, trying to have his people join the movement against sodomy. For four days the demons in Iraq are going to get a respite. But they know that when Muhammed returns it will be with even greater power than he had before. These are historic times! It may be many years before the entire world is aware of what is happening, of the terrible struggle that is occuring to save mankind. But these are their most important hours.
Jesus is determined to show The Kingdom Of God's power, to show what It can do, to show that It still has sway in the material world. Again, He asks all that hear us, to help us reach The Anglican Churches in California that are struggling to separate and to save their children, to help us reach the people in California and tell them that God is offering to live among them, to actually dwell among them in the material world and use them to radiate His power out to all mankind to save His children. Some people cannot believe that any in the material world can be that important. But there are times when small groups of people become the focal point of everyone's hopes on Earth. The survival of all might come down to just a few people saying "We've had enough! We know the truth and we will support the truth, and we will not let these lies stand any more!" The people of California are being offered the power of the universe. If only a few people will stand up and say "We are with God, we are with the truth! We are not with the creatures of Darkness, they will not have our children!" California could become the most powerful place on Earth, an incredible change from a few years ago when it was the darkest place on Earth! The Angels, The Angelic Messengers are touching all who hear us, saying "Believe and do God's will. Bring forth God's power." If only they would hear!


Here are a couple of comments from You Tube that we thought it important to share with you.

Jesus To Episcopalians

ZacharyDBrooks Maybe his servants were illiterate, but you claimed to be channeling God Himself. Since God is omniscient, I assume he knows what 4th grade Episcopalians know.

spiritist Ha ha ha ha ha!! Some of the finest ministers we have ever known were untaught men. They didn't worry about how they said something, they worried about what they were saying and people understood them very well. God is not a nit picker. The priests of ancient Israel spoke with perfect diction for their day but they rejected The Messiah and brought untold misery on their people. God prefers the honest heart to perfect diction.

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