December 29, 2,006
Ford To Bush

Of course everybody wants to know what's happening with former President Gerald Ford. Did he make it to The Afterlife all right? Well, he got to The Gates Of Heaven but There ran into a little problem. The Keeper Of The Gate told him he was welcome but in order to enter The Kingdom Of God he would have to renounce his pardon of President Nixon, which The Kingdom Of God disapproved of. Ford was adamant, saying "What I did was for the good of the country, to end the discourse. It was proper and acceptable. I do not see why it should matter to The Kingdom Of God!" And The Keeper Of The Gate told him "But it does! They considered it quite improper." "Well then," Ford snapped "The Kingdom Of God can go to hell! I did nothing wrong and I will not renounce it!" And he stormed off to another part of The Afterlife with his startled friends and relatives following, and has thusfar refused to return. Probably in five or six years after he gets tired of wandering around, he'll come back to The Gate, renounce the pardon, and enter into The Kingdom Of God. But people can be extremely stubborn sometimes, especially politicians!
Before we got this email out a Messenger came to Gerald saying President Ford had asked to send a message to President Bush, and Those in The Kingdom Of God had asked that it be forwarded. Gerald said "Sure, what's the message?" This is what he was told. "Greetings President Bush. President Ford here, you know, the illegal one. There's something that you really ought to do. Turn on the porch light and unlock the back door. I know it is something you really do not want to do. But for the sake of the country and, for the sake of your place in history you really ought to do it." That was the end of President Ford's message.
In today's "Here's Jesus!" message Jesus speaks of how George Harrison is doing. He also comments on what He thinks of The History Of Spiritism, the Work we hope to begin publishing next year. Always fascinating! Here's the links!

As The Kingdom Of God reviews what It did Christmas Day, They are still amazed by the levels of power that were able to be gathered, transmitted, and used, and even more amazed that They have not gotten any response! They cannot understand what is wrong with people. The evil that They are working against is simply beyond all belief. But thousands should have become aware of what was happening Christmas Day and joined the struggle to save God's children. If man is not responding to these levels of power, the situation may be beyond hope. It is just unbelievable that no one heard! The Kingdom Of God simply does not know what actions to take next if such a phenomena as this failed.


Here are a couple of comments from You Tube that we thought it important to share with you.


spiritist We had to remove a comment because of an obscene name and obscene comments. But the last part of the comment was "John Lennon would never fight for religion, he would never fight."
spiritist Well, they haven't talked to the people that we've talked to! John was a fighter while he was alive. He always stood up for what he believed in. When the crisis in The Afterlife came he swore he would save it so that when other people died they'd have what he had. Sometimes people fight when they have something to fight for.
This is so generic though. It's funny just like that, but even funnier if the people who made this are actually serious.
spiritist Absolutely serious!

crazycraiky hehehe. those pictures are funny. john always thought that religion was a cause of most of the worlds problems...something which he often stated in his songs. there are too many religions so theres too much conflict about which one is the right one. i cant see why hed change that view.the problems are still here so why would john side with one of the religions?
spiritist John says there is very little truth in what you say here. Remember, in his lifetime he studied several religious systems. True, there is confusion, but now he believes in the Spiritist edict of getting all religions to work together. He was completely won over by the way he was greeted in The Afterlife, and welcomed and cared for in The Kingdom Of God though he was not a complete believer.
crazycraiky and in one picture, you have john with a sword in his john was definetly not vioolent in that way. john beleived in peace, not in fighting with swords
spiritist John says he was always a fighter, but now he has something to fight for, which he fights for with his total effort. He uses a sword because he is fighting demons, creatures of Darkness. And that is what you use to fight them. And he assures you, you need them!


Personally I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught. ( Sir Winston Churchill )

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