December 30, 2,006
Wow! What A Party!

Some people are going to wish they were dead and in The Afterlife New Year's Day! For The Kingdom Of God is going to have one fantastic celebration! Beginning at sunset New Year's Day, Jerusalem time, and ending Sunrise Jerusalem time, there's going to be one continuous combined concert by John Lennon and Beatles & Friends, Kurt Cobain And The Wonders, with guest appearances with each group by James Brown! Each group will be performing in half hour shifts, with James doing a number with each group during each shift. Other well known groups in The Afterlife will be performing also, doing numbers with the lead bands. We keep saying we wish there was some way we could record these things and get them into the material world. We would be billionaires! But James Brown insists on taking part. He's not going to rest on his laurels at all! One of the people he's going to be doing a number with at the concert will be Marilyn Monroe. That ought to be good! This is going to be one gigantic big party, with everybody dancing in the streets and the performances being instantaneously broadcast throughout The Afterlife.
The Kingdom Of God is hoping to have some extra reasons to celebrate. They've got a couple of things on the burner cooking, and They're hoping They can bring them to a boil by New Year's and show the world what They can do. Somebody's probably in trouble and they don't even know it! But we've got a feeling if The Kingdom Of God has Their way, they will! But as a friend of ours says, no wonder so many celebrities are dying. They want to be in Heaven for this year's New Years! They could be right! The performances will originate from The Holy Of Holies in The Kingdom Of God, the Place where Those in Heaven usually celebrate the sabbath.
In Thursday's "Here's Jesus!" He comments on rather or not He prays. He also states that He doesn't want people praying to Him. As always phenomenal stuff! Here's the links.

Jesus also came through Thursday and filmed a Special Edition called "Jesus On Hussein's Execution" It's a very important message! Be sure to check it out and pass it on to your friends when you can. Here's the links.

Gerald was dreaming Friday morning that we went to Iraq and he executed Hussein. But some other creature of Darkness attacked him after the execution and the people there had to carry him into a mosque and pray over him until he reenergized. All realistic stuff. In the dream a little girl came forward and said "What he needs to get better is for us to love each other, to stop hating each other! Then his power will be restored." And all the people in Iraq came out onto the streets and shook hands with each other, Sunnis greeted Shiite, and Kurds and Shiite greeted everyone too. Gerald got better and went on to deal with some of the other evil in Iraq. Boy, now there's a dream we'd like to have come true! We can only wish. Linda also had a dream Friday morning. Gerald and Linda were moving from a house and didn't get to get all their belongings out at once. Linda went back to pick up a few of their things and found there was already a family living there! Fortunately they had saved their things for them and she was able to gather some of them up to bring to their new residence while the family was eating and doing their normal routine. Gerald said that was a very good dream.


Here are a couple of comments from You Tube that we thought it important to share with you.

Jesus On Hussein's Execution

vivianheadstock when all the earth is focused on evil, and the voice of truth is hidden behind lies and deception. when the indifferent become truly powerful and any good that is done is corrupted. When the meek stand to inherit a desolate wasteland incapable of supporting LIFE. What faith do good souls cling to? what power is strong enough to unite humanity?
spiritist He that is anointed by God is His first born and most sacred Son. He who willingly gave Himself up to death when with His power He could've slain all who opposed Him. That is who.
vivianheadstock You seem prepared to put you faith before all else, as do many followers of islam. Unfortunately it is this faith and the dismissive opinion toward the real world that threatens to kill us all... Not God, Not Jesus, not Buhda, not mohammed, and not Allah or any other deity. It's your ability to cheerfully stand back and watch whilst our leaders destroy whole countries, and say it is gods will. You see the deaths of millions as some form of sick armageddon and think it a good thing.
Trying to free a country from a sadistic dictator that is burning babies alive in acid is not encouraging armageddon. You people that will allow anything for the sake of a false peace sicken us! Pray that some day it isn't your daughter that's being raped by a gang of rifle carrying thugs. But of course you wouldn't care. You wouldn't want to cause any trouble!

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