December 31, 2,006
Hussein Video Taking Off!

Well, they did it! They've unleashed another creature of Darkness that it's going to take a thousand years or more to be rid of. Hussein is already out there laughing at his foes and influencing those he controlled. Such an opportunity, but those in the material world rely so much on their material power, their guns and their politics they have lost ahold of the spiritual, and in this situation it's going to cost them dearly. The creatures of Darkness are empowered. They have been given a free hand and they are laughing at those trying to save Iraq. It is a sad world.
As we began to send out our last email message Gerald remembered something very important that should've been in it. In The Afterlife President Nixon went out to President Ford and asked him to renounce his pardon of him and become a resident of The Kingdom Of God. President Ford said he appreciated the gesture very much, and would deeply consider his wishes. But he still feels strongly that he didn't do anything wrong. Oh, what a tangled web we weave, and how many innocents we draw into our lies and deceptions! Poor Nixon has learned that over the years.
Jesus extremely disappointed the "Here's Jesus!" episodes are going so slow. He would like to see lots more visitors. But we are picking up new subscribers all the time. Jesus would like to make the episodes available on DVD, but it's just something we wouldn't be able to work on right now. Maybe some day!
Friday's "Here's Jesus!" Jesus explains that though Linda can no longer channel Mary Magdalene she still carries her power and this shouldn't hurt our Work too much. Jesus also discusses rather He was a channeler. Absolutely fantastic stuff! Here's the links!

We're ending this year on a somewhat happy note. Mary decided to take a hand in the President Ford situation. She asked permission to see him, and of course she is one person he would not refuse! Mary got there and said "Gerald, now really! Why are you causing all this fuss? Why don't you come back to The Gate with me and say you're sorry you gave that silly pardon, and come back where you belong?" President Ford answered "I don't think I did anything wrong, Our Lady! I was just trying to make things better, make a problem go away." "I know," Mary answered, "but things should've been gotten out, and it shouldn't have been assumed that a President could get away with anything. Look at the trouble it caused Us later!" She held out her hand and said "Come on, Gerald!" President Ford took her hand, she led him back to The Gate, he made his denouncement and entered into The Kingdom Of God. So on that matter all is settled! Though of course, Everybody will be arguing for years that Ford shouldn't have had to make the denouncement but there's some things people will never agree on. That doesn't mean They can't work together for the common good. Oh, Ford asked Mary "You really don't support abortion, do you?" and Mary answered "Yes, I do!" Ford answered "I really can't believe that! I just can't believe it!" "You'll come to understand," Mary told him, "in time. You're a smart man." The Lady's never been proven wrong!
Well, we wanted to end on a good note, but the creatures of Darkness simply wouldn't allow it. Hussein has shown his power already. Muhammed went to try to comfort some of his followers after the execution, in The Afterlife. Thirty of them rose up screaming "The real prophet has been martyred! Destroy the false one! Drive him out! Destroy the traitor!" A short, vicious struggle ensued until all thirty were delivered to the second death, destroyed forever. Only hours after his execution this foul creature has shown the power he still has over his people. Muhammed received only a few slight wounds. But that he was touched at all has enraged his people again, and their power is being sent against those who support Hussein in Iraq. These people seem to be determined to commit suicide, to destroy their entire race!
The video on Hussein's execution at You Tube has taken off, though! Jesus is extremely pleased! It got 4,500 visits yesterday evening, plus three honors. #21- Most Viewed (Today) News & Blogs (All), #19- Most Viewed (Today) News & Blogs- English, #86- Top Favorites (Today)- News & Blogs- All. We'd like to see this every day!

A happy new year to one and all!


Here are a comment from You Tube that we thought it important to share with you

Jesus On Hussein's Execution

jodedoder ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mennnnnnnn dont't talk shitttttt pleaseeee read more and study more and than put this video on youtube...this is just crapp
LightDevoursDarkness Hey Odinless (jodedoder), you might want to close your mouth because it's your "shitttttt" as you so "eloquently" put it that I can smell. How do you spell bottle rocket briefly lighting up the darkness? j - o - d - e - d - o - d - e - r We call it Freedom of Speech here, so get lost Waste!

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