Here are a couple of comments from You Tube that we thought it important to share with you.

Paid Apostles

wayman29 Down with super churches. Jesus didn't need an air-conditioned dog house to preach to people. Awesome message!
spiritist Ah! Jim & Tammy! We remember that. And people thought they were messengers of God! Aren't the simplest messages the most awesome ones? Why do the so called evangelists have to make things so complicated?

Attacking Yoko

DJGort This has to be a joke.
spiritist No joke! Absolute truth! The joke is the people that don't believe.

thatamericangirl Didn't you report that John Lennon divorced Yoko due to her support of lesbianism back in 2004? I thought he wiped his hands clean of her.
spiritist Yes, we did. But even though he's at odds with her he won't tolerate somebody threatening to kill her and, his son. He wishes very much that she would come to her senses and some day join him in Heaven. But he's not going to let anybody speed up her departure from this world!

The Nightingale

wayman29 Awesome song once again. I dropped my HMO! Your right, we should have national health care. corporate is making way to much money. Possibly Jesus could heal a few people. The lame man walked! Merry Christmas! Tell Jesus me and my Family said Merry Christmas. Your number one fan!
spiritist Thank you very much! Oh, the power to do that kind of healing again! Those were the days! Happy Holidays to you and your family also!

Intimacy In Heaven

accordingtobeth I have a question: Do homosexuals automatically get a passport into Hell due to their sexual preference? Or are they judged on their other qualities as well? Cheers, Beth
spiritist They're given a chance to denounce their perversion at The Gate and to accept relationships with the opposite sex. If they refuse they never even enter The Kingdom Of God. That goes for everyone that supports them too

Look Out Dick Clark

msbboy187 you are in no position to say who make it to the kingdom of heaven. YOU ARE JUDGING. worry about your own soul. because only god has the last word not you.
spiritist Jesus has appointed us as the stewards of His church on Earth. That gives us the authority to say who will get into Heaven and who won't. We don't have to judge ourselves, God already has and said "Thank you, my true and faithful servants!"

Florence Nightingale & Joseph Smith at The Gate. From "The Nightingale" video.

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