December 12, 2,006
Running Out Of Time

An emergency has arisen in The Afterlife that was not totally unexpected, but that We hoped We could be put off. Experts came to Lord Peter Sunday and said "The Children Of Spirit must begin their work by the early months of next year or their mission will fail and both Their Republic and The Kingdom Of God will begin to fail, the human race will die! The energy readings are unmistakable, unquestionable. The Children's History must be begun to be released next year, the sooner the better, or everything is lost!" Lord Peter immediately called Jesus and informed Him of the circumstances. "Then We have no alternative," Jesus answered. "Demetrius and Alura were hoping to solve The Kingdom Of God's problems before beginning their Work, but that is now impossible! Muhammed's wish that their Peoples' History first be printed in Arabic and distributed to his people cannot be fulfilled. Demetrius and Alura must put their full efforts into releasing their Peoples' History, beginning The Awakening. All assistance must be given them in this task!" So, no matter what, just as soon as Linda finishes typing the Conaan story she will begin working on the first two books of The History, "The Book Of The Beginning" and "The Book Of The Old Fox." If we have to borrow the money for an initial first printing in paper we will, and then put them up on line. But We simply cannot wait any longer! The Lord Of Heaven has decreed that we must begin, though we would like to solve His problems first, we are running out of time.
Jesus was mentioning to Gerald again the other day that he was really irritated that we did not yet have the staff that we were supposed to have, that the people that were supposed to have joined us have never come forward. Gerald asked "How many people are we supposed to have, anyway?" and Jesus answered, "Oh, at least a couple of hundred!" And Gerald went "A couple of hundred?" "Yes," Jesus continued, "by now you should have an entire staff to handle your English operations, then Spanish, French, Italian, German, and Arabic! You should have web sites in all these languages and operations throughout the world."
Gerald asked "How are we supposed to pay for all of this?" "By now," Jesus answered, "you should have sold several of your manuscripts. They should have been tremendous successes as books and several should have been made into movies and t.v. series. You should have more than enough to fund your operations and anyway, most of the people working for you should be volunteers that have their own incomes. They should all be well to do, and be working for you because they believe in the Cause and are members of God's Kingdom, or, your people. They should be funding their own efforts in their particular ethnic group with the wealth that God has provided them. But unfortunately you, alone, have not failed God. The others who have heard and believe and know they should come forth are afraid of ridicule, are afraid of losing friends that they should not even call friends, that are more their enemies than anything else, because they are destroying their souls by keeping them from God's glory."
"Well, what should somebody do," Gerald asked, "if their mother says 'I won't have anything to do with you if you support these people!'" And Jesus answered very seriously "They should tell their mother, their father, or, their wife that they shall miss them but they have to do the work of God. If a loved one cannot accept the truth and wouldd destroy you forever, you must abandon them, no matter how great your love for them, for their betrayal of God will destroy them if you do not resist it. As you say, Demetrius, there is no middle ground. You either serve God or you do not serve God. There is no compromise. Those who fail you destroy themselves forever because they fail me and my Father, no matter how justified they think they are." Gerald just shook his head and wondered how we could reach people and make them understand. Here's the link to Sunday's "Here's Jesus!" where Jesus talks about saving The Clintons and not taking gifts for good deeds.

We've managed to get our scanner working and have put up a more detailed version of the picture Jesus drew for Jimmy Kimmel on Thanksgiving. Here's the link.


Here are a couple of comments from You Tube that we thought it important to share with you.

Warren Jeffs Followers Doomed

stanleespider I also want to add, My heart go's out to his followers as they maybe living in fear of being cast out of the only family that they know... can they not turn to the other Mormons the non fundamentalists?
spiritist They definitely need to turn to someone and turn away from this evil. And by the way, we're thrilled that someone in Ireland is watching our videos! Thank you!
stanleespider thank you for replying.. I let my son of thirteen watch a documentry about Warren Jeffs tonight I was shocked and appalled that this situation is only coming to light in this country now.(IRELAND)and the uk. I've no problem with religion as I said all ready more than one wife" as long as everyone is happy" and it works for them..
spiritist That's The Kingdom Of God's attitude, too! As long as no force is used and everybody enters into the relationships of their own free will it's nobody's business. After all, Abraham had two wives, as did Moses and others. It's not an unBiblical practice. It only becomes a problem when people start letting a lunatic sell their daughters.

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