September 9, 2,007
Holy Songster

Martin Luthor King has blasted Whoopi Goldberg in his sabbath message of September 7th! We cannot put the whole message here, it would take three pages! But briefly what Rev. King said was this. He is not a part of Whoopi's culture, he is not a part of her race. She does not represent him or, his family in any way! She has shamed his father, she has shamed him, she has shamed his son. Nothing any white person has ever said has ever made him ashamed to be a man of color. But Whoopi's words have shamed him beyond bearing! Because the decent people of color in the south have not risen up and said "Put this woman out! Never let her speak in public again! Never let her claim to be a representative of our race! She has shamed us beyond bearing. She has said we will torture animals for our amusement! There is no way she can ever apologize, there is no way she can ever be forgiven! What she has done is unthinkable!" To protect a sports star who makes millions of dollars she has shamed the entire colored race. She should withdraw from public speaking and keep her sick opinions to herself! The colored race in The United States may never recover from these gross lies that Whoopi has told. Those whites who wish to attack the colored race will seize on these statements and use them against our people for years. I cannot express my contempt for this woman! The mercy that God has put in my soul keeps me from doing it, but that contempt is there. The shame that she has done is unthinkable. It is simply unforgivable and I for one, will never forgive! This is just a brief outline of what Rev. King said. It is nowhere near the elegance in which he said it, but it is just to give people an idea of how he feels, of how all his people in The Afterlife feel. They have been betrayed! Well, the surprise project that God The Father wanted us to work on is done and on line! We've managed to search through all of our magazines published since 1998 that are on line and have put together "The Miracles Of John Lennon" a list of all the miracles we could find and their descriptions! We hope everyone will enjoy it. We have some extra room at our first web site location, Tripod, so decided to put it up there despite the pop up ads and banners. All of the information is still a bit overwhelming, and some events described there seem like they happened just the other day! Thank you for everything you've done with us, and for the world John. We hope you'll be sticking with us for a long, long time! Here's the link.

In Saturday's "Here's Jesus Segment 1 is a question from January, 2,003, "Do You feel it is right for people making more money to be taxed more?" and segment 2 is a new one answered by God, "Why won't You allow elections in The Kingdom Of God?" More not to be missed details!

There's another little surprise in the works! God wants to leave as much special material as He can behind after His visit. So He is working on a special video especially for Los Angeles. He wrote the song for it and took it to John Lennon and said "You need to fix this up!" John looked at it and said "Our Blessed Father, it would be sacriledge for me to change this in any way! It is absolutely beautiful! I dare not change any of it! If I could cry I would be in tears right now." God answered "I am honored!" and came through Gerald and sang the song. He had prepared 180 art works for the video but they weren't nerely enough! He worked through Gerald until after 12:30 but Gerald just had to go to bed because he had to work the next day. As much as God wanted to get the video done on the sabbath He just couldn't! So here's the link to the audio, and the video should be along hopefully, by the next email. But this is so beautiful we had to start passing it around!

And if anybody thinks either Linda or Gerald could've written this song they're out of their damned minds!
Creatures of Darkness absolutely horrified of God's new song! They threw everything they had at Los Angeles Saturday morning! They must have been draining their reserves all over the world! It was some of the worst fighting again seen since the battle in Ellsworth that wounded so many of God's Heroes, but they were not able to even penetrate a short distance into the barriers! The Kingdom Of God's Forces drove them back and fought them outside of the barriers. Gerald did not have time to check the news to see if there had been any deaths among those that are feeding the demons, but it would not surprise him. Many of them suffered the second death, and unfortuantely Kali could not save any of them, the power was not there. But the demons were screaming "Our children must not hear this! It must be kept from them! Our children mustn't hear this!" They are absolutely horrified of God reaching the people in Los Angeles! They're afraid it will finish them!


Clean Role Models!

We get this question over and over again. Somebody is extremely mad because Martin Luther King criticised Whoopi Goldberg! They're saying "What business is it of his? He's dead! Leave the living alone!" Well, it's simple! King doesn't want these doped up sports stars being his people's role models! Look what's happened. This guy's been caught doing pot now. He hasn't learned anything!

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