September 3, 2,007
A Presidential Candidate?

Saturday, September 1, Linda was once again listening to The Black Knight & Squire G Show. When The Black Knight went to play John Lennon and God's new song "Jerry's Heart Of Gold.". He was just commenting that he doesn't connect all his computers and has to transfer the audio by other means because if anything can go wrong it will and the server from the station on which they're broadcast died! Fortunately it was quickly repaired and the duet with Linda and God was played then a discussion ensuued between The Black Knight and his cohost Squire G about Jerry Lewis.
In Sunday's "Here's Jesus!" is a question from January, 2,003, "Who was Jezabel and did she really exist?" and God's new comments on what He thinks of The Rev. Al Sharpton bringing his missionary work to Chicago. Another one not to be missed! Very important!

God has completed his last "Here's Jesus!" episode. It's a great one. He talks about how much He enjoyed the time He spent with us and how much we've accomplished. We wish before He leves we could accomplish more.
One of our friends keeps saying he's going to put Gerald's name in the Massachusetts primaries as a Republican candidate. Gerald keeps telling him it's probably too late to get on the ballot, but God wanted us to present a list of what we would campaign for.
Well, first of all, would be a constitutional amendment banning homosexuality in The United States, declaring it a disease, a mental disorder, and forbidding any man or woman to ask another person of the same gender for sex. That would be our number one effort in The White House.
Secondly, we would push for a constitutional amendment guaranteeing a woman the right to an abortion without any interference from any religious organizations or the states. Rather or not a woman has an abortion would be up to her and, her doctor, no one else; no ministers, no senators, no representatives! The blasphemous teachings of the anti abortion people would be opposed.
Thirdly, if we were in The White House we would work for The Kingdom Of God's Peace Proposal in The Middle East, a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel on land bought from The Egyptians in The Sainai. We would make this one of our primary goals.
Fourthly, we would work for absolute equal rights for women, to make it illegal for any employer to pay any woman less for any position than they pay men. Any employer that would try to pay women less would be imprisoned for violating that woman's rights.
Fifth, we would work for severe penalties against any employer that knowingly hires illegal aliens, that does not thoroughly check to see that they have residential status. Anyone that hires illegal aliens and pays them less than other people were getting for the same work would receive long prison sentences. But we would do all in our power to protect any property that illegal aliens had acquired in The United States, forbidding banks to foreclose on their properties until they could either arrange to have them sold, or, rented to provide them an income. We would not let financial institutions profit by stealing what illegal aliens have earned.
Sixthly, we would work to aggressively attack the illegal drug problem in The United States, in some cases making the manufacture, transportation and sale of illegal drugs a death penalty, especially in the manufacture of methamphetiamine, which is destroying America's youth.
The last thing that we can think of at the moment is that we would work aggressively for a flat tax rate, that everyone, no matter how much they make, would only pay 15% or so in taxes. People that make more money would not have to pay more taxes. We would make the tax system fair to everyone, and not rob from the rich by making them pay more taxes. No matter what the arguments, this is unfair and opposed by The Kingdom Of God!
These are the things that we would work for. Some of them would be very unpopular, but this would be the platform that we would run on. And we would not change when we got in office. We would not sell out the people in one way to get something else. Oh, and Gerald would also refuse to sign any budget that was loaded with pork. He would carefully scrutinize the budget and send a list to the senate and the house of what he wanted removed. If those things were not removed Gerald would not sign the budget, he would veto it! He would not listen to the special interests, even if they helped him get elected! He would be the peoples' President.
But of course Gerald could never run for the presidency. Gerald is an honest man. He would call evil evil, and good good. He wouldn't twist things to please the people. He would tell them what they need to hear. He could never get elected!

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