November 10, 2,007
Giuliani Can't Win!

Well, Linda finally finished the email project she started on October 15, emailing Jesus' letter to The Pope to Catholic dioceses around the country. She sent to 48 churches Thurssday night, and in all got 198 people! Of course there were several returns. Gerald was tired of mailing to the state senators and representatives, so he mailed a simple letter to sixty-five newspapers in California explaining that he is a presidential candidate and that if he wins he's going to want Arnold as his secretary of defense and Laura Bush as his vice president. As he couldn't reach the senators and representatives in that state he thought this was a good alternative. One of these emails is gonna be the magic one! We're going to reach somebody that's going to say "This is it! This is what the world needs!" This is what's gonna get it going.
We've been asked again "Why can't The Kingdom Of God support Giuliani? Why can't he be Their candidate?" It's nothing against Giuliani, he's a good man, that's why Gerald's offering him the position of secretary of labor. We could use him. But he can't win! No matter how much money the Republicans pour into the campaign, no matter how much Giuliani tries, he's going to come up ten per cent short. If the election was held right now it would be Hillary Clinton 65%, Giuliani 45%, and nothing, absolutely nothing the Republicans can do will change that. Oh, he might pick up two or three percent but he'll still lose.
Right now if Gerald can get on the ballot by himself, and really get out there and campaign it's fifty fifty. He's the best chance the Republicans have. If he can get The First Lady and the other candidates he wants to run wih him, there's a very good chance he can take 65% of the vote in every state, nationwide. We're really going to have to work at it, we're going to have to get out there and fight, but we're fighters, that's what we do!
The experts in The Afterlife are very rarely wrong. The only reason they were wrong in the mid term elections when Clinton's supporters should have been defeated was that Jesus' own followers betrayed Him and threw the election causing this whole mess. God is rarely wrong! And, too, each of the people that we're calling to, each of the people that we're reaching out to we're asking them to fulfill their destiny, asking them to do what they came into the world to do. Giuliani is supposed to work with us. He is supposed to help us with The Awakening. The First Lady is supposed to save Israel, and The Islamic People. This is their destinies, this is what they are supposed to do. This is what they volunteered to come into the world to do, and they should fulfill their destinies!
It's very rare for God to come to somebody and say "Hey, you really need to do this for me!" but when He does it means that what that person needs to do is very, very important. Look at Jonah! He saved an entire race. He saved a whole part of the human race. That's what these people we are reaching out to are supposed to do. That's why we're here, to get these people together, get them working together, so that each of them can succeed in their purpose. That's what Gerald would do as President, make it so the human race can succeed in its purpose. And if Giulani does not do what God asks, and join our effort, support Gerald's candidacy, he will lose more than the election, far more than the election. That's why we're asking him to give up his bid for the Presidency and to support Gerald's. Because it is his destiny, and will glorify him more than anything else he could ever do. And, because if he does the whole world wins!
In Friday's "Here's Jesus!" we feature questions from May, 2,003, "With the current problem with the SARS epidemic and the flu do Spirits get sick sometimes like we do?" and, a new one in segment 2, "What do You say to people who don't believe we're Your servants because we get sick?" Yet another awesome episode not to be missed!

Things are eerily quiet spiritualy. The demons have gone to ground again. Surprisingly they're just letting things roll by themselves in Pakistan. They're not resisting The Kingdom Of God's efforts there when they could. They are saving energy for another purpose, trying to create havoc in The United States somehow, trying to cause a great deal of death so they can feed. We have to be extremely watchful. The Kingdom Of God has prevented several school massacres in the last weeks that haven't even made the news. The creatures of Darkness are trying to do all in their power to destabilize the country. And We must foil as many of their efforts as We can. There's no way We can ever stop them all, but We must keep each individual incident small. They're barely getting enough to sustain themselves, to continue the battle they must push up the normal death rate, and We have to keep them from doing that!


He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.
( Benjamin Franklin )

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