November 13, 2,007
Praised The Veterans

Gerald has recorded a Veterans Day speech and has put it up on his campaign site. There's also a text version of it you can get to from a link on the bottom of the page. We hope everyone enjoys it.

Gerald has been mailing links to it to Veterans groups around the country with a simple letter saying that he wishes he could be there to praise every veteran personally because he believes so much in what they have given this country. That he is not sending out this message just to seek support but truly appreciates every American veteran. It is bringing phenomenal power into The Kingdom Of God! We can raise so much energy, it is so frustrating to everyone that we can't get material response. Gerald needs to get into the primaries. There is so much to do! What he is saying needs to reach the whole country. Gerald threw together some quick video versions of his Veterans Day speech so our friend Elgard could put them up at You Tube. We're not going to put them up at our site, but just use the audio. Every way of reaching the public has to be used. They were quickly thrown together with clip art and some of our old pictures.
Monday morning Linda was dreaming she got an invitation to visit some people and when she got to their house she had to go to the attic. There was a nice old man there with several younger guys who seemed to be body guards. The white haired old man asked Linda to sit beside him on a bench and talked to her, she doesn't remember about what. Then he had someone give her a check for $174,000! Then he started getting fresh with her and she told him she didn't like it so he stopped and just kept talking. The man looked a little like one of the older actors who died that played one of the bosses on the BBC tv comedy "Are You Being Served?" This is one dream both Linda and Gerald would like to have come true!
Gerald was having a dream Monday morning that he was helping a group of surveyers stake out property. There was a group of protesters across the street carrying plaquets that said "No God, No Way!", "We Won't Have Him Here!", "He's Too Much Trouble! Keep Your Religion to Yourself!", and, "Stop God Here!" A police officer came over and spoke to Gerald, saying he was sorry the majority of people in the area welcomed him, but there always had to be a few fanatics. Gerald smiled and answered with one of his favorite expressions "There has to be a few nit wits in the world to make the rest of us look good! Otherwise than that we wouldn't understand how fortunate we are." The police officer smiled and nodded. Just a frustration dream but fery poigniant.
In Sunday's "Here's Jesus!" we feature two questions from May, 2,003, "Was the giant squid recently found off Antarctica of earthly origins?" and, "How do psychics taste food spirits are eating in The Afterlife and why?" You're gonna love it!
In Monday's "Here's Jesus!" is a question from May, 2,003, "Now that The Kingdom Of God is at war with England, will the spirits there be banned from there when they die like the spirits from The United States?" and, a new one in segment two; "When we say the prayer that includes "on Earth as it is in Heaven" what is different in Heaven?" more important details you won't want to miss!

Had a report of one of those strange phenomenas in The Afterlife. Hundreds of people came to the local authorities with the same report; that someone that they knew had reincarnated some time ago came up to them in some public place, had a lengthly conversation with them, then left! They didn't realize until some time after the incident that this person had been reborn. This would be the equivalent among the living of having hundreds of the dead suddenly reappear. Agents were sent to check on the people that had been reported on and they were found to be safe and secure, having no difficulties. There have been incidents reported in the past where the living have temporarily revisited The Afterlife but never in numbers like this! Just one of those odd little phenomenas! A lot of them seem to be happening lately!
The rumor that there is a second God working in the Earth's biosphere continues to grow with each passing day! The mysterious aliens that have been so helpful against the creatures of Darkness are mystifying everyone and everyone is saying they could not use so much spiritual energy without having an entire spiritual hierarchy behind them. As we have said, some strange things are happening! If another fragment of God has taken an interest in Earth and is helping His brother here, We certainly would not refuse the help! These are the strangest times!


Seek freedom and become captive of your desires,
seek discipline and find your liberty.
( Frank Herbert, Dune )

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