November 20, 2,007
911 From Heaven

Wow! Somethin' was going on Sunday! We were working along when all of a sudden Gerald felt like he was going to black out. No matter how much he wanted to he couldn't fight through it and keep working. It was like he had been drugged! Finally about 11 o' clock he laid down. A couple of hours later Linda succumbed, too! She was out for about two hours and Gerald was out for about four! We've been checking the news but can't find anything to account for it. But definitely something was going on! And those in the spiritual form needed energy to fight it. We did manage to get some work done, however. Gerald emailed to the Republican governors of each state that is having a primary and asked for assistance to get on the ballots. Where there were no governors he mailed to the Republican parties in those states. We've got to keep rolling! Gerald also mailed to 62 senators in New York. He had to mail to them all because they didn't tell on the site which ones were Democrats and which ones were Republicans, so we had to get them all! The battle rages! We mention in the letter that The Kingom Of God is still saying that if Gerald can get on the ballot for the primaries he has a 50/50 chance of winning the election if he gets the Republication nomination. Much better than any other of their candidates! That is why The Kingdom Of God is offering vast rewards to any candidate that withdraws and supports Gerald.
Are the 911 calls coming from a rogue cell phone in Waterloo, Iowa another message from unseen forces? Iowa is a primary state. Could someone from the other world be trying to tell people that The Democrats are headed for a Waterloo like Napoleon if we get into the Presidential campaign? It's an interesting thought! But it's another strange phenomena and there seems to be a lot of them. Hopefully it isn't actually someone trying to call for help. But we don't think it is.
We've been asked if the loss of life in Bangladesh has increased the demons' energy supplies. Only locally. These things happen in that region quite often and are part of the demons' normal feeding cycle. The loss of life may have been a little bit higher this time, but their energy reserves were low. So overall it didn't help them that much. We did notice that other demons from rather far away were coming in to feed, and the locals were not resisting, which is very unusual.
Have been getting some automatic responses from governors that show at least our emails are getting through. We hope the messages are being passed on. That's the only thing with emailing. But the same thing with surface mail. You could send a letter to someone, it could be received by a staff member and destroyed before it ever gets to the person intended, which has happened with us over the years. We have suddenly heard from people by phone saying "Why haven't you been writing?" and told them "We've written several times and not received a reply." We would later find out from the person that some relative in their family was intercepting the letters because they didn't like our teachings. Sometimes it's a sad world!
Oh, another thing. We were asked if The Kingdom Of God had anything to do with this cult in Russia hiding in the cave. Absolutely not! This is the work of creatures of darkness. Another stupid doomsday cult. The Kingdom Of God is doing all in Their power to send agents that would have the skill to make these people understand that their leader is an idiot, and the end of the world isn't coming in May.
In Monday's "Here's Jesus!" we feature two complex questions from our friend Elgard, the first from May, 2003, "Can you tell us if people from diverging universes could survive in different futures? and new one, "Can ultimates from other dimensions dance the Dance Of Life with souls here, and create new life on a world? Do dimensional barriers inhibit them any?" You gotta love these possibilities!

We've added more videos on the issues to the new page on the Presidential campaign site, on childrens' rights, education, and prayer in school. Be sure to check them out when you can.


A Letter From John Lennon To Kathy About Light Tower

John asked us to send a personal message to you. He says this. "Kathy, you must understand that in his lifetime a man can be very vain and seek things to glorify himself. But after he has spent some time under the stewardship of God's great love and learns the true importance of things he comes to realize that monuments are of little value other than to attract peoples' attention. What is really glorifying is when people do good things in your name. I would much rather have the money spent on this tower going to sheltering battered women, to feeding hungry children, or to teaching the world that those who hate and kill must be stopped. That we just can't sit and hope that they will go away. We must make the world a safe place for those who wish to live in peace. This tower was a vain idea, which I am now ashamed of, and I wish I had never thought of. I want my light to shine in other ways. I want people to do good in my name, and help those in trouble. This would be a true tower shining a light around the world. I hope you understand what I am trying to say to you. Sometimes a man grows up. Sometimes he sees the truth, stops thinking about himself and starts thinking about others. Fortunately I have grown up."

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